All (hopefully) notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, This project does not yet adheres to Semantic Versioning as the API is evolving and MINOR patches may be backwards incompatible.
Append mode to multi update data attributes task #4204
Sticky navbar on browse nomenclature and collecting event
Move button to citations and depiction slices in radial annotator
Add total to unmatched panel on Nomenclature match task
0.48.0 - 2025-02-14
Sort asserted distributions alphabetically in Quick Forms
Update taxon nomenclatural date after source update
Updated Ruby Gems
Failure to set
for rebuild for background processing -
New collecting event task: Identifier panel sets and displays an incorrect identifier number #4208
Comprehensive digitization sometimes failing to save identifiers #4206
Bad link when creating a synonym where the old name has children and then clicking the green edit button in Edit Taxon Name #4196
Taxon names not being displayed in relationships facet of Filter Nomenclature task. #4193
0.47.0 - 2025-02-06
Use Rails 7.2 and Ruby 3.3.6
New image task: Add field occurrence to depict some list #4135
Grab cursor to make sorting feature visible #4153
API endpoint for image matrix
Order of depictions coming from the image matrix
Hub tasks: Add visual effect for fav icons and tooltip for categories #4177
Distribution to COLDP exports #3148
Taxon links to COLDP exports
SpeciesInteraction to COLDP exports #3158
Specs and optimizations to COLDP
Pull metadata from ChecklistBank in order to merge updated metadata into COLDP exports
Filter’s match identifiers facet can now be quickly accessed with
in a modal form -
facet to Filter loans. -
Multi data attribute update task #4142
Keys are now multifurcatable #4148
Identical Document validation
Some inline help and visual improvements #4177
Keys can be cloned, merged, and inserted to #4056
API endpoint for serving Image matrices
Match identifiers defaults to match Identifier, not internal,
, and caseless match #4176 -
Added Gift status notices to loans form #4174
Improved and clarified DwcOccurrence indexing concepts and application
Improved writing to cached* fields for TaxonName
Fixes to TaxonWorks CSL style
Bug in Image autocomplete
CatalogNumbers attached to Containers not appearing in CollectionObject tag #4163
OriginRelationship creation for Sequences #4180
CSD: change of namespace not updating #4147
TaxonWorks bibliography style for book chapter.
Removed obsolete Description table from COLDP exports
Remove [sic] from COLDP name fields #3833
Autonym synonyms bug in COLDP exporter #4175
New taxon name: Show only subject relationships on Relationships section
Images added before saving field occurrence are not saved #4134
Rendering Family group names from invalid names #4187
Verbatim latitude not displaying #4178
0.46.1 - 2024-12-04
Add citation back to gallery endpoint #4136
0.46.0 - 2024-12-03
Added soft_validation of infrasubspecific name.
Topics can be unified #4106
Task - Controlled vocabulary terms across projects #4112
Source filter can operate on
fields enabling link to project vocabulary #4123 -
param to sort by class of Depiction object type -
Task - Simplemappr ( export support from Filter collection objects
Print key task #4071
endpoint servingpinpoint
key app -
Filter loans: Identifiers, created by and updated by columns #4098
Edit/New loan task: Add
status option -
Edit/New Field occurence task: biological associations panel #4103
Edit/New Field occurence task: depictions panel #4108
Matrix row coder task: Now and Today lock buttons #4110
More TaxonName soft validations
out of context depictions #4129 -
Unifying related BiologicalAssociations #4099
Async DwcOccurrence refreshes that referenced destroyed objects
FieldOccurrence Radial Navigator
Unify objects: Same object can be selected on both sides #4100
New taxon name: Cannot create new combination (under ICN) #4127
Syncronize misspellings #4109
Blank terms to /autocomplete endpoints raising
Rendering subspecies names in botany
TypeMaterial autocomplete
Some async DwcOccurrence updating callbacks
response structure -
Update Gemfiles
0.45.0 - 2024-10-30
Created/updated overviews for user data
Unify objects task #970
Attribution to ObservationMatrix
New biological association task #4026
Duplicate OTU predictor task #4083
DwcOccurrenceHooks for BiocurationGroups, OTUs
New image task: is original checkbox to source panel #4090
Confidence facets and batch operations to all Filters #4043
Browse nomenclature task: Radial annotator for OTUs
RecordNumber identifiers can be duplicated (namespace + identifier combinations) across CollectionObjects #4096
Local identifier display in CollectionObject tag now prefers position to break tie with RecordNumber and CatalogNumber #4074
Filter CO: Show only current taxon determination #4092
Loan OTU facet #4087
With/out facets failing in combination with other facets #4089
Simple TaxonName batch load failing with invalid children
broken for non-integer ids -
Containerizing objects prevented identific increments
New dichotomous key: Radial annotator is not loading the correct data #4076
0.44.3 - 2024-10-03
param to dwc_gallery endpoint -
Image matrix link to radial linker and radial matrix
Date received facet on loans #4067
style calls finding images by id, not fingerprint #3918
Updated Ruby gems
In DwC Import Otu
is now only set via use ofidentificationQualifier
0.44.2 - 2024-09-27
Columns in filter results can be copied to clipboard
Sort by identifier match option #4065
- DwC fields for those populated #3994 -
Pagination to
Display of missing DwC fields #4051
updates ignored #4066 -
DwC importer
collision with Identifier validation -
Shortcuts: Keys pressed are not removed after user switches windows/tab
0.44.1 - 2024-09-24
a list of keys scoped to or containing the Otu -
to ObservationMatrix, to facilitate setting scope and indexing of multi-entry keys -
flag to ObservationMatrix
Revert strict
validation #4061 -
Renamed CollectingEvent
should not be populated without an explict year reference #4053 -
should not be populated when range-provided #4055
0.44.0 - 2024-09-17
Create container task #3038
Endpoint crossreferencing dwc_occurrences and images
Creating depictions of CollectionObjects now updates their DwcOccurrence automatically
Filters: Custom button to
records per page
selector #4032 -
New asserted distribution: Confidence panel #4044
Updated Ruby gems
DwcOccurrence now actually selects the valid name on export
OTU taxonomy inventory API endpoint crashing on protonyms with no cached year and author.
DwC importer column indexing confusion when there are blank headers
Filter collecting event: Remove duplicate radial linker #4050
0.43.3 - 2024-09-09
parameters to/api/v1/otus/:id/inventory/dwc
With/out facets for Loan dates #3729
FieldNumber local identifier sensu DwC
RecordNumber local identifier sensu DwC #4016
DwC importer support for FieldNumber and RecordNumber #4016
DwC export support for FieldNumber, RecordNumber
New RecordNumber panel for Comprehensive Digization
Filter Otu: With/without common names
Radial annotator: Add sort to identifiers slice #4021
Valid name column in filter nomenclature
DwC export will now use a valid taxon name if linked first to an invalid, and it is available
EventID and verbatim_trip_identifier are disentangled in DwC Importer, they do not map to one-another now #3800
TripCode is now FieldNumber (all data migrated)
DwcOccurrence rebuilds triggered for changes to TaxonNameRelationship #4019, TypeMaterial, TaxonDetermination, Identifier::Global
Wikidata IDs are now also loaded into recordedByID and identifiedByID #3989
Sort order of descendant inventory
Removed net-pop gem workaround for Ruby 3.3.3
Facet geographic area: Spatial mode by default
Facet nomenclature rank: Remove selected ranks from select input
Updated Ruby gems
New taxon name task: Add manual mode for subsequent combinations section when taxon rank is not in the list #4009
Optimized performance of Combination name rendering and use
Filters with Geographic area facet default to ‘Spatial’
Header labels print without higher taxonomy #4030
Staged images tab on collection object report
Non-integer identifier start/end ranges raising
Various facets in Filter OTUs not being scoped to unique records
Saving a bad identifier from annotator fails to show message why
Download formatted references as PDF
Quickly clicking save before load-in on Comprehensive can detach CollectingEvent from CollectionObject
Filter collecting events: data attribute table view is empty #4013
Field synchronize: URI Too Large error when user pass a long query #4017
DwC importer crashing on record with blank
0.43.2 - 2024-08-10
button to predicate selector in Field Synchronize #4005 -
parameter to filters, one ofupdated_at
(default) orcreated_at
#4004 -
facet to Filter Nomenclature -
Soft validation (and fix) identifying redudant use of
in Combinations
Comprehensive Specimen Digitization: Prevent user add duplicate types for type materials #4002
Improved visual differentiation of Sandboxes
Fixed Loan rendering when
is blank #4001 -
New combination: Links in
Other matches
panel didn’t work
0.43.1 - 2024-08-04
Updated gems
Integer type checking impacting AssertedDistribution filter
Editing DataAttributes trigger complete re-index of the DwcOccurences #4000
Misspelled DwcOccurrence attribute
0.43.0 - 2024-07-31
Task to add image and as depictions to the objects identified in their filename #3986
PDF version of styled/formatted source download #3996
Type checking pattern for integers sent to
params in the API -
Radial annotator: Pagination to depictions slice
Comprehensive: Pagination to depictions panel
Browse collection objects Pagination to depictions panel
Filter source: add ID to list #3984
TW_DISABLE_DEPLOY_UPDATE_DATABASE env var to disable DB backup and migration at deploy time.
label #3981 -
Updated Ruby gems
TaxonName filter Original combination with/out facet (both with and without)
Removed deprecated GoogleMap georeference form #3991
Print label generation #3992
Generating a TaxonWorks Download for a bibtex result failing #3997
Removed bad foreign-key constraint on BiocurationClassifications, TaxonDeterminations
Content autocomplete not scoped to projects
Some hotkeys don’t work on Firefox on Linux #3988
Cancel previous autocomplete requests #3982
Handling of [sic] in Protonym#original_combination_infraspecific_element [#3867]
0.42.0 - 2024-06-28
Nexus file import #2029
Clone CollectingEvent can include annotations, incremented identifiers
Model Identifier::Local::Event in part: #3800
Task - DwcOccurrence status
, taxon names plus their origin citation -
Reasonable min/max elevations hard validations
Increased scope of string cleaning #3947
DwcOccurrence filter on all attributes
DwcOccurrence visible in Project vocabulary
Confirmation modal on mass annotator #3969
env vars for container deployments
CE batch update collectors #3936
Broken BiologicalAssociation scope for DwC download #3949
NeXML render to screen #3961
People queries referencing
in combination with other facets -
Queries referencing emtpy
or end failing -
Moving depiciton from an Otu could fail in some cases
OTU inventory endpoint failing when synonyms are empty
CachedMap metadata raises when out-of-date
Encoding unencodable text as Code128 breaks label preview
Identifier between range breaks filter when blank params passed
DwcIndex failing to update on Georeference, Role, BiocurationClassification, TaxonName, InternalAttribute changes
Sometimes URL parameters are set incorrectly in facets.
A COLDP export name and taxon remarks bug #3837
Project dump not working when all params were supplied #3967
Radial annotator: Selected object in “Move to” section is not displayed in Depictions slice
Project SQL export failed to export tables with NULL project_id.
Spatial Summary of the results in Filter Collecting Event “URI too large error” #3937
Upgraded to Rails 7. #3819
Changed default URL protocol to HTTPS for TaxonWorks-generated e-mails in production environments
Added bootsnap gem to speed up boot times.
dir is used as cache by this gem -
tables from Project SQL export -
Replace validations modal in Browse nomenclature task #3974
Updated Ruby gems
rounded to nearest meter before save #3946
0.41.1 - 2024-05-10
An extended biological associations API endpoint #3944
Updated Ruby gems.
included “” -
Resaving Image resets height/width and original filename
New image from Data raising from path error
Filters: JSON request URL overflows container when too long
PDF Button is missing in Filter Sources
DwC Import task: Replace dialog shows
instead the current value -
Radial annotator: Data attributes can’t be deleted from the list
Radial quick forms: Collecting event slice doesn’t render correctly
CSD: In some cases, the locking mechanism does not work correctly #3941
0.41.0 - 2024-05-02
Filter nomenclature: Local and global identifiers facets #3942
Field synchronizer task- batch edit (regex too), update and synchronize columns and between columns
option to APItaxon_name_relationship_set[]
Gemfile update
Improvements(?) to Collecting Event level classifier #3821
Asynchronous batch updates on individual objects
Invisible edges in biological associations graph viz
PDF button is available for all document types #3933
0.40.6 - 2024-04-30
Updated Ruby gems
Notes params not applied in Source filters (anywhere) #3927
OTU autocomplete raises when no taxon names match
Moving from Source to Image filter failed to return cited images
CSD: Catalog number panel displays warning messages when the namespace is set
0.40.5 - 2024-04-25
only includes Otu#name, never anything else. -
now more acurately returns the label of the matching term, i.e. Combinations are supported in rendering [] -
Update Ruby gems
Taxon name with nomen nudum status, nomen dubium status + invalidating relationship should be treated as separate invalid taxon.
Quick forms: Lock buttons don’t work on Biological associations.
Week in review task #3926
Missing Image metadata breaks radial
Basic endemism task had a broken link out
Prevent raise on bad polygon (LinearRing) Georeferences
0.40.4 - 2024-04-21
User estimated time tracking at the per-project level
Orphaned DwcOccurrence and DelayedJob job metadata to admin Health report
Unified some methods on dwca export, refactored for speedups and memory
Updated Ruby gems
Dwca error from missmatched ids leading to bad sorts
Manage controlled vocabulary task: New button resets type #3923
Resource is spelled recource #3922
0.40.3 - 2024-04-14
Browse OTU: Replace descendants endpoint for the same used on TaxonPages. Now this panel is available for all ranks
Bundle/gem update
2 issues with taxon names autocomplete (internal and api/v1)
Memoization in dwca export
0.40.2 - 2024-04-09
“Venn” factets to filter- logical operations on filter results #3908
Sort column on project vocabulary task #3915
not scoped to project -
New collecting event: It tries to save the label even if it is empty
Spatial summary return to filter with empty cached level fields #3907
Comprehensive form: Sometimes Attributes are not cleaned when new collection object is created #3910
DwC importer crashing when uploading files with CSV extension.
DwC importer not honouring field and string delimiters when processing headers
DwC importing wrongly allowing unreadable files to be staged
Updated Ruby gems.
0.40.1 - 2024-04-02
Some more quality-of-life changes to Leads/keys
Spatial summary report for CollectingEvent filter
Geographic Area radial navigator links to associated filters
Radial nomenclature: verbatim_author slice #3896
Gems updated
Async batch update calls on individual objects failing #3905
DwC export without CollectingEvents failing #3897
Cloning CollectingEvents sets creator to the person who cloned the record
Filter Staged Images missing filter button #3901
0.40.0 - 2024-03-26
Special thanks to Tom Klein for his amazing open-source contributions on this release!.
Model FieldOccurrence (observations sensu iNaturalist), with corresponding “new” task #1643
Model “Lead” (dichotomous key support), with corresponding “new” task“ #1691
Key hub task #3881
New OTU task
“Week in review” task, visualize records added and navigate to them in filter context
OTU name to Filter CO result #3861
Batch add/remove sources to project from Source filter #3888
Add taxon name autocomplete to Type specimen facet
DwC Dashboard: Use the same DwC download of collection object filter task
DwC-A Workbench: Add pagination for created imports
Clone mode on image matrix
Radial CO: Add preparation type slice #3889
Radial mass navigation #3672
Batch update or add data attributes #3748
Include OTU
in Filter Collection Objects result -
Text file delimiter options to DwC import #3894
CSV format for DwC importer
Project vocabulary word-cloud text links to filter result for some models (e.g. CollectingEvent)
Images can no longer be duplicated attempting and are seemlessly normalized at creation #2909
Filter images: Remove quick forms for Depictions #3869
New image task: Add alert when trying to restart the interface without applying changes
New CE: Destroy label when print label input is empty #3878
Updated Ruby gems
DwC importer now defaults to use
as string delimiter when importing and downloading tables.
Project vocabulary handling of numeric fields
Rediculous number of identifiers preventing collecting event editing #3715
Community-based models not showing AlternateValues #3883
Browse OTUs: headers do not link to correct panel #3868
DwC-A importer crashing on hybrid formula scientific names
Crash when georeferencing with zero meters of uncertainty
New CE: Custom attributes don’t refresh on new/edit CE [#3874]
Radial quick forms: Asserted distribution screen partially blocked by a white rectangle #3891
Print label task doesn’t apply styles to labels #3776
Missing collection object links on map markers
0.39.0 - 2024-03-01
Project vocabulary task #864
Global identifier classes for Web of Science and Zoological Record #3853
endpoint -
Return a png of any image via
#3852 -
attributes to/api/v1//images/123
#3852 -
Ability to extend housekeeping on some filters to check changes on related models #3851
Some new soft validations on Misspellings
Handle bad BibTeX coming back from CrossRef.
Quick Forms: Observation matrices slice doesn’t work
Quick Forms: Content slice doesn’t display contents #3850
Browse OTU: Load preferences
New loan task: reset button doesn’t work #3856
New image task doesn’t create citations without attributions
Missing pagination headers for 4 endpoints #3859
Allow omitting seconds in non-interval ISO-8601 date times in DwC importer.
0.38.3 - 2024-02-25
#3794 -
A simple table format for BiologicalAssociations -
Housekeeping facet in filters has “Recent” button with options to populate past date ranges
Radials to New image task
DwC download not scoping DataAttributes correctly when records are a subset of objecs from a CollectingEvent
DwC Dashboard buttons scoped to recent timeframes #3774
A couple .csv endpoints for /api/v1
Radial annotator: Filter tab doesn’t work in depictions slice #3824
Filters: Geographic area facet doesn’t clear geographic area after reset #3840
Radial collection object: Taxon determination list is not visible
Align metadata in GeographicItem debug view
Biological associations filter bugs
Several radial annotator and batch annotator slice fixes
DwC checklist importer fails quietly when
is empty #3783
Documents are no longer destroyed when the last documentation referencing them are deleted.
Use Ruby 3.3
CI build/test with PostgreSQL 15
CI base image uses Node 20
0.38.2 - 2024-02-09
Highlight row on click in DwC Importer #3795
Batch update CollectingEvent from CollectionObject filter radial
Batch update
from CollectingEvent filter radial #3498
CollectionObject summary nomenclature tag failing when no names are present
Papertrail views for most models were failing
Synchronized winding of polygons and multipolygons #3712, and others
DataAttribute alignment in DwC, take 3 #3802
Radial Annotator: Citation count no longer updates #3806
Radial Annotator: Depiction count no longer updates #3813
Radial annotator: Attribution slice loads incorrect records
Image matrix: OTU depictions cells are not displaying the correct images when
parameter is set -
New combination task freezes in some cases
SQL project dump duplicating hierarchies tables rows causing index creation to fail on restore
OtuPicker doesn’t display OTU label when a new OTU is created in New loan task [#3809]
All polygons and multi_polygons in GeographicItems are wound to CCW after save
Updated Ruby gems
0.38.1 - 2024-02-01
DwC dumps cross-mapping attributes between CollectingEvent and CollectionObject (for real?) #3802
Favorite cards section layout
Radial batch triggers “re-search” when nothing is changed
Custom attributes component loads auto filled with incorrect values #3805
DwC importer crashing on real DwC-A zip archives when first table rows are not headers.
0.38.0 - 2024-01-31
GeographicItem debug task
to documentation filter
loading framework #2718
DwC dumps cross-mapping attributes between CollectingEvent and CollectionObject #3802
Staged Image filter failing on some identifier queries
TaxonName batch update
Contributing link #3752
Uncaught promise errors #3767
Custom attributes triggers
ce state #3764 -
Custom attributes panels don’t check if data attributes already exist #3762
Gender agreement of misspellings [#3782]
Loan item list doesn’t update when adding a loan item from Tag or Pinboard #3784
Unable to add a CO loan item to a loan that already has an OTU loan item with the same id #3785
CO Loan gifts have tag “On Loan until false” #3731
Figure panel in New content task
DwC Occurrence Importer using out of project scope biocuration class.
Hub: Status filter doesn’t work correctly #3791
Hub: Left and right arrow keys on task hub don’t work as expected. #3792
0.37.1 - 2024-01-04
status for ICN names #3716 -
“CONFIRM” screen when editing a collecting event with > 100 attached COs #3727
parameter and facet to taxon name filter #3589 -
Links for users profiles on project members list (only for administrators)
Cursor and text to reveal project preference predicates can be reordered #3736
Batch append collectors to Collecting Events within CE filter
Batch set Collecting Event date and time within CE filter
Darwin Core
export support -
Darwin Core exporter: include Notes from most recent
DwC Occurrence Importer: Parse authorship information in typeStatus field
DwC Exporter:
fields useFirst Prefix Last Suffix
order -
Project member list now has links for users profiles (only for administrators)
param to/api/v1/dwc_occurrences
scope issue in Otu Filter -
Update DwcOccurence index endpoint
Uniquify people: Always show radials for selected person
Remove property doesn’t work on Biological relationship composer
Feet to meter conversion does not work as expected #2110
OTUs autocomplete API endpoint ignoring
param -
DwC importer creating multiple namespaces instead of just one for
Combination always visible #3366
Copy text from PDF
0.37.0 - 2023-12-14
support #2749 -
Preview option and results reports for filter based batch updates #3690
Freeform digitization, draw shapes to stub CollectionObjects #3113
DwC terms now supported in occurrences importer [#3705]
Improved simplified taxonomy rendering
Unifies all filter-originating batch updates to a common look and feel #3690
Report file size to browser for downloads
DwC Checklist Importer: blank
skip original combination creation instead of erroring #3680
Ordering of descriptors in TNT format [#3711]
Some ObservationMatrix views/formats were broken or unavailable for preview
DwC-A checklist importer: fix importer crash caused by nil parent
Address rendering on loan form #3645
Citation topic whitespace for paper catalog #187
Source filter with duplicate results when coming from another filter #3696
parameter for Otu queries not scoping to TaxonNames correctly -
Filter source: BibTeX type facet
Project data SQL export obfuscating all users instead of just non-members
Project data SQL export outputting only two rows per hierarchy-related tables
AssertedDistributions API index call failed when OTU not linked to taxon name
Missing valid names in nomenclature match task
DwC Occurrence Importer: prefer correct protonym spelling when misspelling matches current conjugation
0.36.0 - 2023-11-30
Staged image CollectionObjects are destroy if a) stubs and b) depictions are removed from them to another CollectionObject #3172
(preview experiment) -
(preview experiment) -
BiologicalAssociations as raw TaxonWorks data
BiologicalRelationships as raw TaxonWorks data
DwC ResourceRelationship extension (preview) #2554
Taxonomy summary to CollectionObject summary report
Metadata summary report from Filter BiologicalAssociations
Biological associations simple table preview, sortable columns #1946
GLOBI format table from Filter BiologicalAssociations (preliminary)
Family by genera report from Filter BiologicalAssociations
DwC ResourceRelationship extension preview from Filter BiologicalAssociations
Visualize network from Filter BiologicalAssociations
BiologicalRelationship can have Identifiers
“ancestrify” option to TaxonName and Otu filters (adds ancestors of filter result)
Auto UUIDs as new Identifier::Global::Uuid::Auto for models
Auto UUIDs are created for BiologicalAssociations and OTUs
Maintenance Task to add UUIDs to objects that can have them but don’t
TaxonName model to customize attributes
TaxonNameRelationship model, added validation for the rank of type species and type genus.
New source task: Person source
Index view to API for /depictions
Added extend[]=role_counts to /person/123.json
Batch update OTU taxon_name within OTU filter #3656
DwC Checklist importer: support “invalid”, “incorrectOriginalSpelling” taxonomic Status
DwC Checklist importer: option to match and update existing names rather than create new hierarchy from Root
DwC Occurrence importer: search for repository URL
CachedMaps of ancestors are set for rebuild when a descendant Georeference or AssertedDistribution is created
Radial annotator: Move selected source to the bottom in citation form #3652
DwC Occurrence importer: more helpful protonym, institution error messages
Filter interfaces: remove items from list instead redirect to data view #3659
New BiologicalAssociation defaults to task, not old form
Extracted CSV generating code to lib/export/csv
Buttons to remove BiologicalProperties in composer failing #3673
Could not destroy BiologicalRelationship if properties attached
Some CollectionObject summary values were not scoped to filter query
Filtering People returned duplicate values one name string searches
BiologicalAssociations passed to TaxonNames missed object names
Nulified cached values in Collecting Event, if Geographic area deleted #3668
Match TaxonName based on original combination #3365
Radial AD: Quick/recent selector broken on “Move”. #3640
New taxon name: Author panel overflow when source has a long link
Edit Loan: Loans created without recipient or supervisor cannot be updated
Fixed bug in DwC importer background processor that was not dealing with errored records.
Browse OTU: autocomplete overflow #3667
Comprehensive: Relationship doesn’t show up on biological associations list #3671
DwC Occurrence importer: protonyms could not be found if authorship information didn’t match
DwC Occurrence importer: protonyms could not be found if author was Person #3677
DwC Checklist importer: empty
field would cause row to error #3660 -
DwC Checklist importer: subsequent combinations with synonym status whose parents are synonyms would cause row to error
Could not set Repository Index Herbariorum flag in interface
Uniquify People: autocomplete would not select people for merging if already present in Match people table
0.35.3 - 2023-11-13
Radial collection object: Add repository #3637
CachedMaps (WebLevel1) is now based on “State” shapes only, improving resolution
CachedMap build process adds pre-build step to greatly minimize overall number of spatial calculations
CachedMap spatial calculations use a intersection + “smoothing” approach
Also use year of publication to determine correct protonyn having homonyms #3630
Improved error message when
name is a homonym in DwC occurrences importer #3632
Duplicate loans appearing Loan filter [#3636]
New source when cloned and saved is not added to the project sources #3629
Sequence display when not a Primer
CachedMap indexing speedups failed to properly utilize prior work
Duplicate CachedMapRegister rows being created per object
New Image task, second “Apply” button is not working #3628
‘ [sic]’ not removed when searching for synonyms in database to compare with
in DwC occurrence importer #3633
0.35.2 - 2023-11-07
Update Gemfiles
CachedMap algorithm, now far more precise.
Browse OTU: Image gallery section is now available for all ranks #3612
Map saves tile preferences #3619
Anyone can destroy a Community (Global) identifier on a Community object #3601
Newfoundland/CAR mapping issue #3588
Role callbacks interfered with creation of nested objects #3622 !! Potentially breaking fix !!
Queries to
not scoping to project whenproject_token
used #3623 -
CollectionObject summary report tab clicks
Cached map preview incorrect/default GeographicItem id for GeographicAreas
Collection object summary report bad link
Task Biological associations graph: Save fails when trying to update a graph
Role picker doesn’t show organization name when created #3611
Spinner hangs when apply fails in New Images task #3620
0.35.1 - 2023-10-23
TaxonPage stats, maybe, who knows at this point.
Images for OTU type material expanded to all protonyms
Reset project preferences #3599
Project TSV dump permissions on server side
Clone moved CVT, not cloned project
0.35.0 - 2023-10-19
Outdated names task for CollectionObjects (compare to COL) #2585
Unified project data download task #1009, in part
Download project as zipped TSV tables in Download #1009
CSV generating endpoints
Filter CollectionObject links to “Collection Summary” task #3434
CollectionObject type facet
Coordinate and collecting event sections in Browse OTUs
Download routes now name files as
CollectingEvent allowable max records made smart #3590
TaxonNameClassification download
facet always included self, it shouldn’t have -
Without document facet
Object cloning in OriginRelationship caused infinite loops #3594
Quote handling in API autocomplete calls
Organization name not displaying in attribution copyright label
Manage Controlled vocabulary term: CVT list is not reloading after clone them from other project
Not possible to delete asserted distribution once added in radial object #3591
Manage controlled vocabulary: Delete button doesn’t work #3593
0.34.6 - 2023-10-06
WKT and GeoJSON endpoints for /geographic_items/123.wkt
Clone ControlledVocabularies across projects #3562
Batch move taxon names to a new parent within TaxonName filter #3584
Batch update Source with a Serial within Source filter #3561
Browse nomenclature hierachy nav counts of invalid/valid link to filter
Reset forms for user preferences and project card favorites #3545
Otu RCC5 relationships to the COLDP exporter [#3569]
Filter images slice in radial linker #3574
Name relations to Catalogue of Life data package exports [#1211]
Type Materials to Catalogue of Life data package exports [#3213]
Filter list: Add border to highlight the last row where a radial was opened #3583
Update Gemfile
TaxonName stats metadata includes coordinate OTUs and synonyms of self
Change map position in Filter collecting events #3571
Add type material button is now blue #3579
Radial navigator: close radial menu when slices are opened in a new tab/window clicking and pressing ctrl/shift/meta keys #3582
Loans referencing containers have ‘Total’ properly calculated #3035
TaxonDetermination sort order on CollectionObject comprehensive/browse… again #1355
OTU API autocomplete not resolving to valid OTU
Attribution rendering had cryptic license value #3577
GeographicAreas not registering for some DWCA imports [#3575]
New collecting event: georeference from verbatim button creates two identical georeferences #3573
0.34.5 - 2023-09-26
Cached map item report (linked from Filter OTUs)
Depictions list on Filter image
Calls to
have a new key/value signature -
Staged image metadata field format from JSON to JSONB [#3446]
Updated Ruby gems
Batch import BibTeX failing on empty entries
Chronology stats report
ImportAttribute facet not working on any predicate searches
Taxon name/otus filter order bug
Staged image queries failing when multiple facets used #3556
Citations list is truncated in Radial Annotator #3560
DwC attributes are now showing in Stepwise determinations task
Quick taxon name only works for species #3554
Filter Images: Change
doesn’t update the table #3566
0.34.4 - 2023-09-15
ImportAttribute facets to various filters
Project data curation issue tracking URL field (and to base API response) #3550
Manual option to regenerate derivative images on Show Image
API gallery endpoint
Image quick forms, add depictions in the context of an image #3540
Tables of data to nomenclature stats plots, with option to copy to clipboard
With/out nomenclature date facet on filter nomenclature
Determiners can be re-ordered (topmost, regardless of year, is preferred) #1355
Updated Gemfile
Updated JS packages
Derivative images strip EXIF and auto orient
TaxonName autocomplete change to a strict match mode.
Bold geographic levels in Type specimen panel in Browse OTU #3544
Subqueries in unified filters were silently ignoring components of the query, e.g. fix spatial + subquery requests #3552
Geographic level names not displaying on Browse OTU #3553
Sqed images that fail processing will try again with slower method automatically #3070
TaxonName dynamic observation matrix row not properly scoped #3454
OTU API autocomplete fails to sort results
Duplicate type status per CollectionObject are not allowed #3535
Edit/New taxon name: Author order for taxon name does not match author order of source #3551
Some issues with order of roles (e.g. Determinations) in display #1355
0.34.3 - 2023-09-05
Task - Nomenclature by year plots #2472
API for BiologicalRelationships -
#3525 -
Organization to Attribution slice in Radial annotator #3529
Delayed job queue
, currently used in Role-related updates #3437 -
Allow organization determiners in DwC occurrences importer
Error radius also captured as literal value in addition to conversion to error polygon #3471
Batch update of collecting event geographic areas is now run in the background, limited to 250 record #3527
Reverted index-based TaxonName autocomplete to comprehensive version
Upgraded docker env to Postgis 3.4
Missing synonym record for basionym in COLDP export [#3482]
Fixed loan related links in several places #3463
Common name language ISO when no language #3530
Attribution displays owner/copyright holder Organization names #3515
CollectingEvent filter fails on cached_geo_* fields #3526
Reviewing and Organization’s related data
CollectionObject timeline didn’t show loans when object containerized #3528
Browse Annotations “On” filter doesn’t work #3505
Georeferences are not cleaned after unset current collecting event in comprehensive specimen digitization task #3533
Fix collection object pagination in Browse OTU
0.34.2 - 2023-08-16
Subsequent Name Form section in New taxon name #3460
Original form section in New taxon name
New species name button is now always visible in Type section on New taxon name task
Improve COLDP export delimiter usability [#3522]
Updated Node packages and Ruby gems
Role scoping broken, affecting things like Verifiers list #3514
failing on last page of results #3524 -
Fix generation of Unit tray labels from Filter nomenclature
Object graph view failing to render (controller object no longer available!?)
People as sources missing missing relationship (broke object graph)
Combinations in COLDP exports lack rank #3516
Fix coldp.rb undefined method
for nil:NilClass #3512 -
Improve TaxonName autocomplete result prioritization #3509
Clone button is not clearing input after cloning
0.34.1 - 2023-08-07
No parent Otu returned for TaxonName with more than 1 OTU [#3414]
Missing organization tab in Owner panel on New image task
BibTeX download shows incorrect results on New source task #3510
Asserted distribution API endpoint crashing when count is above 50
0.34.0 - 2023-08-04
endpoint -
endpoint -
Extracts are citable
fields to the COL data package exporter #3464 -
Pagination to Labels and TypeMaterial .json endpoints #3472
DataAttribute columns for CollectingEvent and TaxonName filters
Added ranks for viruses
CachedMap framework - compute low-resolution maps quickly #3010
.json and .geojson endpoints implement CachedMaps at
Administrator dashboard for CachedMap status
New indices for some name/cached related fields (Otu, TaxonName, Source)
Batch update Geographic area radial to filter collecting events
Customized API version of OTU autocomplete
GBIF map tiles as an option on maps
Add related
option to nodes in Biological associations graph task -
Layout settings for New image task
Predicted adjectives for the epithets ending with -ger and -fer
Optimized Gnfinder playground new-name detection
, also now usesextend[]=geo_json
(disabled if > 50 records requested) -
to report fulltaxonomy
#3438 -
Updated Ruby gems
Added date format recognition ####-##-## [#3453]
Add hyperlinks to OTU labels in Filter biological associations table #3444
Updated many relationships to validate based on presence of objects, rather than parameters
Simplified behavior of Otu and TaxonName autocomplete to use new fuzzier indicies
Clone loan button redirects to new loan task #3462
Multiple improvements in DwC importers
Georeference parsing didn’t handle new Z
Clearing PinboardItems by class
Rendering TNT matrix labels
Initializing new Extract when no Extracts present
DataAttribute filter facet not working for non-exact matches
Speed response for Filter’s returning DataAttributes #3452
Going from Image filter to others could result in duplicated rows
DWCA Importer: Geographic Areas not imported #1852
Error on catalog_helper: history_other_name
Error on taxon_name_relationship on rank_name.
Create new asserted distribution when
is checked in New asserted distribution task -
Repository selection does not appear in Filter Collection Objects #3430
Docker pointing to outdated base image.
Global identifiers resolve check not honouring HTTPS
Interactive keys were not properly scoping to projects in some cases
Annotations were sometimes added to objects that no longer existed #3445
Disable editing of imported rows in DwC importer task #3469
Fixed URL hostname string matching in some places.
Matrix Column Coder throws an error after autosave ends and observation to be saved no longer exists
New line delimiter doesn’t work in Filter collection object #3480
0.33.1 - 2023-05-25
NOMEN batch importer error handling/reporting improvements #3427
More annotation-related facets to Observations filter
Autocomplete requests optimized by speed
NOMEN batch importer treats authors only as verbvatim, Roles are no longer created.
Upgraded to Node 18 LTS
Without depictions filter facets
Descriptors facets referencing observation/matrix presence/absence
Errors on taxon_name.rank_name and paper_catalogue.combination
Documents facet in Source filter
Documents from other projects appearing in count on radial annotator #3348
Verbatim name contained ‘Suffix’ #3425
Observation matrix facet doesn’t work in Filter descriptors
Lock Is original and Is absent checkboxes in citation form
Pagination doesn’t work correctly in Filter biological associations #3426
Records per page doesn’t work on page change in Citations by source task
0.33.0 - 2023-05-19
Basic RCC5 support (= OtuRelationship) #257
Unified filter to observation matrix integration #3415
Biological associations can now be depicted
Data depiction facets
Biological associations filter annotation-based facets
New stage-only staged image type #3400
New left-t stage layout #3367
button to add biological associations fromRelated
modal in new biological associations task -
ImportDataset facet in Filter collection objects #3419
Updated author and year string for family-group names
Recent predicate list
Recent languages list
People autocomplete
GeographicArea autocomplete (exact match on alternate value)
Nomen (was “castor”) batch load was not assigning parent correctly #3409
Source and People API endpoints don’t try to authenticate #3407
Date range in filter Collection Object not being applied #3418
Year import in NOMEN (was “castor”) import #3411
PublicContent missing is_community? method preventing reporting.
Loans dashboard fails to render when no loans are present
Staged image processing when boundaries fail to be calculated and calculate incorrectly
Bug with engine in interactive keys #3416
Collection object classification summary #3412
BibTeX typo #3408
type material
andtype material observations
don’t work in Filter images -
Changing the number of items per page or the page shows loan items that are not from the current loan in New/edit loan task #3413
Sort by name gives an wrong order in filter nomenclature task
0.32.3 - 2023-05-05
Add/move/return collection objects from collection object filter #3387
Interpretation help for
full name
facet in people filter #3394 -
Total individuals to loan show/recipient form #3398
Download SVG button in Biological associations graph task
Related modal in Biological associations graph task
Return BibTeX with
on calls to/api/v1/sources
Related button to biological associations in Browse OTU
Pagination for loan items in Edit/new loan task #3391
Caption and figure label editable in Depictions list in Radial annotator #3396
Pagination headers are exposed via CORS #3380
Updated bundle gems
Ruby 3.2 is now required as minimum
API /people and /sources resources no longer require authentication #3385
The genus rank is allowed as incertae sedis
Trigger filter after change records per page selector
Always show pin button
Browse OTU biological association table contains related modal
Global identifiers not appearing on community data #3393
Lag in selecting loan items on edit loan #3399
Collection object was loanable 2x in some cases
An issue when geo-json related facets were not being applied in Otu filter
Image filter with
only returns as expected -
Depictions/Images facet not consistent and broken #3395
Missing pagination for asserted_distributions API endpoint #3377
Delete wrong node in Biological associations graph #3383
Cannot clear
Returned on date
input for loan items in Edit/new loan task #3390
0.32.2 - 2023-04-03
Geographic area smart-selector has click-to-select map option #3293
Add collection object quick forms in New type specimen task
New layout for collection objects filter - Data attributes
indexing via data attributes #3371
Paper catalog raised when rendering some type material records #3364
Lock buttons are not working on New source task
Some rows don’t show name string in Citations by source task #3370
Updating a data attributes updates related DwcOccurrences
API catalog method call #3368
Alternate values appear on community data #3363
Updated bundle gems
New D3 engine for object graph greatly improves performance, new rendering options
New DwC occurrence version reflecting #3371
0.32.1 - 2023-03-23
Date related rendering error in Catalog
0.32.0 - 2023-03-22
New options to extend results in Nomenclature filter #3361
New panels for Adminstrators User activity dashboard
Deaccessioned layout for filter collection objects
Replace GeoJSON long/lat format to lat/long on interfaces #3359
Returned ability to show TaxonNameClassifications (from
Deaccessioned facet in Filter collection objects #3352
Reversed OTU taxon name facet #3360
Relationships are not listed in biological associations form in Quick forms
Topics are not listed after create them on Citation form in Quick forms
Combination names are missing in Citations by source
Handle another class of SQED raises
TaxonNameClassification API call raises
Raises related to cached_nomenclature_date
PublicContent causing OTU destruction to raise
Several paper-catalog rendering issues
Geographic area smart selector is not rendering correctly on Common names slice in Quick Forms
0.31.3 - 2023-03-17
JSON nomenclature inventory endpoint
Serial name filter query doesn’t work
Serial facet <IN WHERE>
Authors facet doesn’t work on Filter nomenclature
Fixed bug preventing combination update
Loan facet doesn’t work on Filter collection objects #3345
Valid name is not provided for all matches on Match nomenclature task #3343
Object links don’t work on Interactive key
Alternate values on ObservationMatrix name failing
Start and End date in Collecting Event related facets
Updated Ruby gems
nomenclature related validation changed from nomenclature_date to cached_nomenclature_date, which should speadup the process
0.31.2 - 2023-03-09
Link from AssertedDistribution filter to BiologicalAssociations filter
All tab to biological relationships facet #3334
Biological Property to Manage controlled vocabulary terms
Add nomenclature code to relationships and statuses labels in Filter nomenclature #3333
All Loan edit requests resolve to the edit task #3330
Biological association filter raises #3335
Mass annotator for Sources showed no options
People filtering doesn’t work on Filter nomenclature #3332
Biological associations section shows incorrect results in Browse Otu #3336
Error message on Combination [#3340]
Clone last citation
button doesn’t work -
Missing asserted distributions in Browse OTU and Quick forms radial #3337
0.31.1 - 2023-03-07
Radial annotator documentation shows too much #3326
Cached values not updated #3324
Roles not displaying while edint loan #3327
Loan autocomplete #3329
Set as current
button doesn’t work on Original combination section in New taxon name task #3325 -
Repository autocomplete #3331
Some staged filter results failing to set size of window #3328
Fixed repository, source, serial, people autocomplete with new project_id param. New specs added
Short URLs not working due to Ruby 3.2 incompatibility.
redirects to/taxon_names/<id>
0.31.0 - 2023-03-07
Filter asserted distributions task #1035
Filter biological associations task #1156
Filter content task
Filter descriptors task #2802
Filter loans task #2124
Filter observations task #3291
Filters can mass-annotate select rows (e.g. Notes, Citations) #2257
Filter collection objects with/out preparations #2937
Filter collecting events with/out any date value, verbaitm or parsed #2940
Filter collecting events with any/no value in field (covers, in part #2756)
Collection object filter - add with/out local identifiers facet #2699
Collection object filter - de-accession facet #3195
Data attributes facet returns results matching/without any predicate value
Integrated filters (pass results from one to another) #2652 Also in full/part #1649 #2178 #2770
Match identifiers facet added across filters/API #3151
Nomenclature filter - facets for names with/out citations and with/out documentation #2865
Nomenclature filter - facet for by year described #2059
Nomenclature filter - facet to return names with/out (subsequent) combinations #3051
Nomenclature filter - facet to for with/out original combination #2496
Protocol facet to collection object, collecting event filters #2803
Task - Loans dashboard #2116 (in part)
Task - Source citation totals (linked from Source filter) #2305
Ability to “coordinatify” an OTU filter result #3317
Figure label in label on image API response
Input to create N records in Simple new specimen #3269
Soft_validation for seniority of synonyms
to TaxonName
Local identifier facet in filter CollectionObject #3275
Identifier within range includes +1,-1 results #2179
Data attribute facets #3075
Collection object filter finds objects by container identifiers #1240
Clarified collection object loan facet #3005
Radius based map searchers returned intersections, not covering results #2552
Data attributes not appending to DwC export #3280
DwC download from CollectionObject “not downloading”/closing #3313
Filter nomenclature returns original combination when there is none #3024
Staged image visualization incorrectly cropped #3260
Staged images incorrectly returning records with local-identified containers #3258
PK sequences was not setup in the correct dump stage in Export project task occasionally causing PK constraints errors on usage.
Radial object redirects to
page after destroy a collection object in Simple new specimen task #3284 -
Wrong label for display unscored columns in Matrix column coder #3292
Duplicate records in nomenclature match task #3300
NeXML rendering bug
Breaking CoL export bug #3310
Unified look and feel of all filters [#445] [#1677]
Filter OTUs completely rebuilt, numerous new facets #1633
Filter collection objects displays (customizable) columns of many types, not just DwC #3197
Unified form of filter/API
parameters to always use singular #2188 -
Merged ‘Task - Overdue loans’ with Loans dashboard #2116
Export project task now removes hierarchies rows that don’t belong to selected project #3271
Export project task no longer includes
tables. -
Clipboard hotkey combination #3273
Recently used confidence levels improvements
Multiple nomenclatural soft validation improvements
Improvements to intelligence of various autocompletes
Improved cursor focus on new source task
Update Ruby to 3.2.1
Updated Ruby gems
Updated Docker container (including psql client version to 15)
0.30.3 - 2023-01-04
Search panel in New source task
Programming error breaking loop with
instead ofbreak
when calculating previous OTU. -
Crash when attempting to view a
source because BibTeX panel cannot work with that type of sources.
Updated Ruby gems.
0.30.2 - 2022-12-20
Asserted distribution citation label in Browse OTU
Records per page selector doesn’t work in Filter Stage Images #3259
In NeXML output, TIFF images were not converted to JPG
Error when calculating previous OTU for navigation
Updated Ruby gems.
0.30.1 - 2022-12-16
BibTeX type facet for Filter sources task #3218
With/without Source::Bibtex title in Filter source task #3219
Hyperling names in Nomenclature match
“Remarks” column displays in Browse collection object DwC/gbifference panel
Browse OTU navigation dead ends #3056
Setting a Namespace to virtual updates cache properly #3256
Virtual namespaces identifier tags don’t include duplicated Namespace #3256
Virtual namespace identifier preview does not render namespace
Incorrect valid name in Nomenclature match task
0.30.0 - 2022-12-15
CoL data package improvements for Remarks, metadata,
Integrated GBIF remarks flags into Browse collection object #3136
Next/previous navigation arrows to Browse collection object #3229
More details to steps in stepwise determinations task
Added soft validation for duplicate family group name forms and misspellings [#3185]
With/out local identifier facet for collection objects and stagd images #3173
Filter by housekeeping and staged-image data attributes #3171
Delete selected collection objects (and their related data) from filter #3174
Collection object Autocomplete has loan and deaccession banners #3192
Autocomplete on Browse collection object #3189
Task - Collection object chronology, a plot of object by year collected, that’s all
Endpoint to return related data preventing or included in destroy, e.g.
Filter by gender and form classifications in filter nomenclature #3212
Serial facet to Filter sources #3211
configuration properties to Map component #3234
White-space around unit-tray headers #3191
Stepwise determinations confounded by invisible white-space #3009
OTU smart selector did not include items from the pinboard #3139
Source in n project autocomplete response [#3142]
‘Also create OTU’ on batch taxon name upload causing raise
Media observations removed if they have no more depictions via updates
Citation link in biological association panel on Browse OTU
Type relationship text/rendering is inverted in New taxon name task #3182
Sqed processing failing to encode HEIC images #3188
Common list component doesn’t filter created status on New taxon name task #3205
Collectors facet doesn’t work on Filter collecting event #3216
original combination label disappears when relationship doesn’t include the current taxon name [#3067]
Sometimes keyboard table is duplicating shortcuts
Export Project Database task not exporting rows whose
#3203 -
Close icon is difficult to distinguish when modal background is transparent #3245
Missing identifiers and determinations on collection object table in New collecting event task #3246
Click “Manage Synonymy” in Edit Taxon Name task does not redirect #3250
Behaviour of recent records (smart selectors) updated to reference updates, not just created timestamps
Lock, navigation, UI, and code refreshments to Simple new specimen #3190
“TODO list” now a faceted search named ‘Filter staged images’ #3171
Refactored observation cell component for Image matrix
Updated Ruby gems
Webpack binaries: Replaced
npm bin
fornpm root
to allow compatibility with recent NPM versions -
Nomenclature match updates #2176
Navigation key combination for radial annotator #3233
Truncate smart selector lists
Allow compare n objects in collection object match #3238
Include total of match/unmatched in Collection object match [#3237]
0.29.6 - 2022-11-08
Print unit-tray headers from TaxonNames via Filter nomenclature #3160
New radial “Filter” navigators facilitating cross-linking to filters #2297
Option to force DwC indexing to prioritize names from Geographic Area #3143
Functionality to update CollectingEvents in the context of Browse collection object
Character state filter in Matrix Column Coder #3141
Better error handling and reporting when parsing BibTeX
Index for caching the numeric component of Identifiers
Updated Browse collection object interface #2297
Reload New source task by pressing New and loading source
Updated Ruby gems
Updated node packages
Incorrect soft validation message on TaxonName relationship [#3184]
Browse nomenclature crashing when taxon name descendants have no cached author year
Soft validation crashing when cached nomenclature date is absent
Role picker is missing after create a source from BibTeX #3180
0.29.5 - 2022-10-10
Source cached_value calculation [#3181]
Changed author labels on Filter source #3134
Minor changes to plots on administration activity dashboard
Parallelize some indexing rake tasks
Recent and Quick list are empty on Citation annotator #3133
0.29.4 - 2022-10-07
Distribution, Material Examined sections, and zip download for paper catalog [#3098]
Code full columns, destroy all observations in a column #3117
“Display only unscored rows” on Matrix column coder #3103
Previous and next links in Matrix row coder #3107
Match identifiers facet to Filter extract task #3089
Clone previous citation
to citation panels #3097 -
is now implied intypeStatus
when only the type of type is specified in DwC occurrences importer -
Additional DwC classification terms #3118
Broken URL for images in NeXML #2811
Improved Confidence annotation speed #3126
Destroying a Georefernce re-indexes related CollectingEvent #3114
Numerous issues in “Castor” TaxonName batch load
CollectingEvent cached geo-names (e.g. used in DwC export) missclassified #2614
Order of descriptors in nexus and tnt output is updated to reflect the column ordering
Homonyms without replacement name are now marked as invalid
Visible identifiers raising (e.g. broken object graph)
Presence Descriptor is not saving in Matrix row coder #3099
Missing number of objects for presence/absence descriptors on Interactive keys #3102
New column
button doesn’t add the new column to the interface #3109 -
Taxonomy inventory API failing with common names when language is not set
Missing taxon_name_relationships parameters #3096
Create matrix row button redirects to wrong OTU in OTU radial
Determinations not added to containers in “Edit Loan”task #1935
OTU images disappear when moving other images to observation cells #3111
Basic nomenclature failing to redirect when no name was selected
List of All Topics is not displayed #3125
Refactor confidence form #3129
Destroy selected Labels does not work #3127
Creating multiple type materials in comprehensive task #3131
DwC occurrences importer not reporting error when
is non-empty and yet it doesn’t have correct format -
Interactive key - Presence / absence descriptors are placed in non relevant list #3100
Removed New OTU link from New observation matrix task #3101
Disabled horizontal resizing for textarea inputs on comprehensive
0.29.3 - 2022-09-13
View image matrix button doesn’t work in Interactive key task
Missing collectors parameters in Filter collecting events.
Pagination on Image Matrix task
Project Preferences task causing internal server errors
Boolean params not handled correctly on specific conditions in some filters
0.29.2 - 2022-09-08
Administration level project classification visualization #3092
Recent paramter to asserted distribution filter #3086
Updated Gemfile
Handle long queries to match facets in filters #3088
Collecting event filter matching user creator/updator broken #3008
Rendering type material label with document label failed
Failed attempts at destroying a Predicate no longer raise
Prevent some breaking raises for Georeferences with invalid shapes
Select all button doesn’t work in Print labels task #3093
0.29.1 - 2022-08-31
Radial navigator for TaxonName broken #3087
OTU link in New asserted distribution
0.29.0 - 2022-08-30
A simple paper catalog generator (preview!) #1473
Functions to summarize distributions for catalogs
GeographicAreas autocomplete references alternate values
People filter, with many facets #2876
Matches identifiers (results by delimited list of some identifier type) facet, to most filters #3080
Crosslink by ID between CollectionObject and CollectingEvent filters
Open in filter collection object
button in Filter collecting event task -
support for Collecting Event Castor batch load. #3059 -
for Asserted distribution form in OTU quick forms #3085
Local identifiers on community objects were displayed across projects
Object type is missing when otu filter param is passed instead observation matrix id in Image matrix task
Alternate values can be used on GeographicAreas #2506
Alternate values on community objects are shared by all projects
Global identifiers on community objects are shared across all projects
Optimized identifier next/previous, not fully resolved #3078
Updated Ruby gems.
Upgraded to newer Gnfinder service.
Enabled 10km tolerance to geographic area validation for verbatim georeferences.
Migrates annotations on Community objects to be accessilbe across projects
0.28.1 - 2022-08-19
Settings modal is scrolled to the bottom when the modal is open.
Edit in image matrix
andOpen in matrix
buttons don’t open image matrix task on edit mode. -
Create verbatim coordinates
button dissapears after create request fails in New collecting event task -
Depictions are not displayed correctly in Browse collecting event #3012
Cloned georeference are not loaded after cloning a collecting event #3076
Updated Ruby gems.
Updated Node packages.
Expanded drag and drop section in observation cell in Image matrix
0.28.0 - 2022-08-08
Added OriginallyInvalid relationship in ICN [#3315]
, includesembed[]=depictions
#3004 -
in filter concern #2922 -
endpoint withtag_object_type[]
#3061 -
Added pagination in the image_matrix
Matrix Column Coder - coding by descriptor #1385
Soft validation and fix for adding subsequen combination when original combination is different #3051
Added 'electronic only' field for the source to flag sources published in electronic only format
namespace mappings as falback wheninstitutionCode
mappings do not contain a match in DwC occurrences importer. -
Remove search box in observation matrix hub #3032
Type material form allows multiple type species in comprehensive task. #2584
Updated Ruby gems.Yes
wikidata-client dependency is now fetching from RubyGems rather than custom fork.
serrano has been changed to a new custom branch which is identical to official gem except
dependency has been downgraded for TW compatibility. -
DwC occurrences importer mappings are not sorted by
Object global id param in identifiers API/filter
Bad logic check on adding new user to project
Dependency loop problem in DwC checklist importer
Image matrix error
0.27.3 - 2022-07-20
Soft_validation for the year of taxon description compared to person years of life #2595
Pagination to Image matrix task
Fixes rendering the author string in the catalogue #2825
Include facet is not working properly in Filter nomenclature #3023
Role picker changes order of roles after removing one #3003
Observation matrix TNT export failed due to undefined method error #3034
Date start and Date end display flipped in “Filter Collecting Events” #3039
Role picker list doesn’t display suffix and preffix
By user facet is passing member id
Project user last seen at correctly reported
Softvalidation message for new combination is rewarded
The genus rank is allowed as incertae sedis
ElectronicPulbications moved from NomenNudum to Unavailable.
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
OTU name string into link in Observation matrices dashboard task
0.27.2 - 2022-06-22
Updated csv output for an observation matrix [#3040]
Content panel in browse OTU not working properly
Darwin Core Export failing on specific combinations of data attributes selection.
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
0.27.1 - 2022-06-21
People/Name toggle remove historical option for name #3028
Content attributes response
0.27.0 - 2022-06-17
Task to manage pubilcation of Content to PublicContent #3004 in part
Task to merge taxon name relationships from one taxon to another #3022
to collection object filter #3026 -
API interactive key engine endpoint
API depictions endpoint
Taxon determinations stats in stats API
Setting tags for collecting events and collection objects in DwC occurrences importer #3019, #2855
Column order in Observation matrices dashboard task
Size of description input in Protocol form
Error code for merge people response
Annotations panel doesn’t display notes in Browse nomenclature
Wildcard matches on collecting event attributes failing
Select row in Observation matrices dashboard assigns incorrect ID
Last week citations stats in API showing values for images. #3020
Annotations panel doesn’t display notes in Browse nomenclature
Geographic areas download failing to generate CSV
Flip is not working propertly in Uniquify people task
0.26.2 - 2022-06-05
Updated Ruby gems
Filter collection object not working when attempting to show the record
0.26.1 - 2022-06-03
Upgraded to Ruby 3.1 #3011
Updated Ruby gems
0.26.0 - 2022-05-30
Task - Stepwise determinations, facilitate verbatim to parsed determinations en masse #2911
Two more digitization stage types, “T” and “Inverted T” #2863
Added soft_validation fix to missing collection_object determination, when the type is designated [#2907]
Confirmation button for tags, preparation type and repository panels in CO Match #2995
Upgraded Node to version 16
Replaced Webpacker for Shakapacker gem
Upgrade PDF viewer library
Nomenclature and observation matrix stats #1124
Cannot add a determination after editing one in comprehensive task #2996
“In project” button is not updated after select a different source in Edit source task #3000
0.25.0 - 2022-05-19
Link to Download project in show project #2775
OTU geo-json inventory API endpoint,
. -
Collection object classification summary task #1864
Notes facet to Collection Objects filter #2966
Confirmation modal for clone button on New collecting event task #2978
Minutes/record estimate in project activity task #2979
Pagination in Citations by source task
Current repository facet in collection object filter #2975
Identifiers added to print labels [2959]
Improved Extract tables #2884
Improved Repository autocomplete #2993
Refactor citations by source task
Person autocomplete optimization
Cleaned up Label UI text
Removed some jQuery
Updated Ruby gems via
bundle update
Use Catalog for API source of OTU nomenclature citations
taxonworks.csl update for stated date [#3021]
Improved project activity to include current session [#3013]
Extract/protocol UI issues #2990
Source year_suffix preventing cloning #2992
Dwca eml.xml file validates locally #2986
Missing params for api_nomenclature_citations added
Converted wkt parsing errors from exceptions to validation
DwcOccurrence version scope to project in Hub
Fixed soft validation on Collection Object related to determination date #2949
Original combination soft validations are not loaded when New taxon name task is opened
ObservationMatrixRow|ColumnItem index view failing because new links are not available
Author roles are no visible in Citations by source task
Increasing number of labels to print while label is selected adds that many to preview #2973
Geographic areas are not suggested based on verbatim coordinates in comprehensive and new collecting event task #2982
Cannot sort by column in filter collecting event task #2970
“Recent” determiners not working in Comprehensive #2985
Determiners locked are missing after press “Save and new” in comprehensive task #2943
Crashing when creating georeferences with invalid WKT input
ObservationMatrixRow|Column index and autocomplete calls
Lock source button is not working in OTU radial - biological associations form [#2989]
New type specimen duplicates specimen when updated after creating #2994
Sort column option is not working on Filter collection objects
Toggle members buttons is not working on Browse annotator
0.24.5 - 2022-05-03
Previously loaned and returned CollectionObjects are unloanable #2964
People smart selector doesn’t work to add new roles #2963
Type species section is empty in Browse OTU
Missing depictions caption and figure label in Image matrix task #2965
0.24.4 - 2022-05-02
Organization roles to taxon determinations model
Repository autocomplete raises #2960
Duplicated text in TaxonDetermination link #2947
Housekeeping facet in CollectingEvent filter broken #2957
Cannot set Determiner of CO to department/organization #2915
Combination view is broken on Browse nomenclature #2952
Matrix row coder button in Observation matrix dashboard task redirect to a wrong OTU in Image Matrix task [#2956]
Depiction radials are not working in Image matrix task #2954
0.24.3 - 2022-04-28
DwC export includes
#2935 -
Tag panel for images in New images task #2919
Repository section for Collection object match task #2918
Preparations section for CO Match task #2930
Match collection object button in Filter collection object #2917
Lock button for By section in New extract task #2926
With preparation facet in Filter collection objects #2937
Improved(?) behaviour of Extract autocomplete #2923
New BiBTeX based Sources match and/or create Serials for some types #2719
Improvements for taxon determinations in comprehensive task
Observation Matrix CSV dump uses full object labels #2912
Allow multiple origin relationships in New extract task #2928
Enable biocuration buttons only for the current collection object in comprehensive task [#2946]
Updated ruby gems
Display full citation in image viewer #2857
Extract filter OTU id match not matching determinations #2925
Improve observation matrix row label handling #2902
Showing related data for Descriptor broken #2934
Collection object label is not updated after saving determinations in comprehensive task #2899
Label form is not updated after loading a collecting event in Comprehensive task #2898
Preferred catalog number for collection objects using first created rather than top of the list (also fixes wrong
in DwC export) #2904 -
Missing not fixable error message for automatically soft validations #2877
Recent lists on Data have broken flex CSS #2920
Generating label from collecting event with verbatim trip identifier duplicates tripcode #2921
Leaflet map does not center the view on shapes
Programming typos affecting error handling in some batch loaders
PDF reading causing software crash with some PDF documents (e.g. encrypted and/or having unsupported features)
“virtual” spelled “virutal” #2938
Protocols should not display origin #2927
Determination lock not working for “Add to container” in Comprehensive task #2943
Role types table in uniquify people renders poorly when “show found people” or “show match people” enabled #2894
Syntax error during code generating synonyms and descendants for catalogs
0.24.2 - 2022-04-15
New units mg, µg, ng, ml, µl, nl, ng/µl, Ratio (for Descriptor, etc.) #2887
Project activity report includes community data (but not scoped to project) #2893
Protocols for Observations #2889
Increment tripcode in New collecting event task #2441
Now and today buttons for time/date made #2888
Radial navigator to New extract task #2885
Refactor Uniquify People task. Added improvements #2858
Removed PDF viewer broad channel event
Updated Ruby gems
Extract -> show rendering raising #2886
People being set as invalid during automatic activity updates
Project activity session report shows hours properly #2878
xAxis category ordering of Project activity #2891
Sometimes it’s not possible move images from one cell to another in Image matrix task [#2874]
Uniquify people task are not merging all selected match people #2892
Media observations are not displayed after creating them using drag and drop box in Matrix row coder task. [#2880]
New extract task loads incorrect repository for existing extracts #2883
Extract edit link in New observation matrix task #2896
Incorrect matrix list is displayed on Observation matrix slice in Radial object #2901
Pages label is not displayed in citation form in comprehensive task #2903
0.24.1 - 2022-04-04
Time ranges for
in DwC occurrences importer are now supported -
Updated Ruby gems
Observation matrix row filter generalized to work for all observation object types #2873
0.24.0 - 2022-03-31
Collection object
and interface toggle #2866 -
Use Namespace as DwC
#2726 -
Notes on CollectionObject export to DwC
#2850 -
Link to comprehensive digitization collection object via
#2851 -
Project user activity report task #50
‘Inferred combination’ to Browse taxon name header, when required #2836
Extract autocomplete
Matrix row coder supports mutiple Quantitative and Sample observations per “cell”
Extracts are observable #2037
Download observation matrix descriptors as text
Download observation matrix observations in .tab format
Observations have
attributes -
Qualitative descriptor batch loader (Data->Descriptors->Batch load) #1831 (in part)
Modal depictions for all descriptors in Matrix row coder #2847
New georeference type for user-supplied points #2843
Extract rows in New observation matrix
Depiction modal for all descriptors in Interactive key
Link CollectionObject batch load to DwCA importer #2868
Administration activity report
DwC export uses a “sorted” column order #2844
Observations now are polymorphic #2037
Replace autocompletes by smart selectors in Common Name form on OTU radial #2840
Updated Ruby gems
DwC importer sex mapped changed to prioritize
DwC URI and also create sex biocuration group with such URI if none exist. -
Taxon name label for original combination label in Citations by source task.
Add separate scrollbars to row and column tables in New observation matrix task #2799
Change form fields order in OTU radial - Biological associations
Updated ruby gems
Close modal after select a status in New taxon name
Escape new additional pseudo-LaTeX encodings from BibTex data
DwC georeferencedProtocol references Protocols properly #2842
DwC georeferencedBy references Georeferencers properly #2846
Administration activity report raising #2864
OTUs and collection objects batch-loaders failing to initialize due to Ruby syntax error
Sqed depictions crash on cache update when no processing results are available
Asserted distributions on OTU radial is_absent no longer locks #2848
After saving an area with ‘is absent’ flag, the form stays locked in OTU radial Asserted distribution
Uniquify people roles list is missing role_object_tag #2853
Large list of taxon names are not loaded in Citations by source
Missing source_id parameter in Citation by source link on New asserted distribution and Browse OTU
New CO assigns a wrong Identifier type in New collecting event task #2862
0.23.1 - 2022-03-01
Qualitative descriptor modal in matrix row coder #2763
Pin button for organization in attribution annotator #2551
Image inventory/filter endpoint for OTUs
#2656 -
Option to error records if
is unprocessable in DwC occurrences importer #2829 -
Several taxon name classifications in DwC checklist importer #2732
Allow matching protonyms in DwC occurrences importer even on cases where the imported classification is a subset of the existing one #2740
Updated Ruby gems
Copying observations from object to object also copies their depictions #2823
Not all year metadata automatically updated Person active metadata #2854
DwC importer looking up collecting events outside the scope of the current project
Missing names in hierarchy tree on Browse nomenclature task #2827
DwC importer finding names by original combination without project scope #2828
DwC export month field exporting day value rather than month #2835
Use unofficial serrano repo to fix problems with citeproc-json responses
DwC Occurrence Importer settings modal lags on open when many namespaces set #2834
Destroying last Depiction for Observation::Media destroys Observations #2269
Allowing to use same Namespace short name with different casing (e.g. ‘alpha’, ‘Alpha’)
0.23.0 - 2022-02-18
Extract Filter #2270
Protocol facets for filters, currently on Extract filter
OTU descendants API endpoint
#2791 -
Download SVG button in object graph task #2804
Rake task to generate Data documentation #2352
Confirmation window for delete documentation in radial annotator #2820
Drag and drop to sort predicates in project preferences #2821
Endpoints for observation matrix row and column labels #2800
Matrix row navigation in Matrix row coder #2800
Download enabled for controlled vocabulary terms #2809
Type materials metadata extension for /api/v1/otus
Tweaked how Extracts are displayed in various views
Browse nomenclature task was renamed to Browse nomenclature and classifications #2638
Add origin citations for taxon name relationships/classifications, renames route #2790
Add Download customization #2748
Show Images section in Browse OTU for GenusGroup #2786
User facet:
button sets end date in Filter interfaces #2788 -
Changes content and layout ouf hierarchy navigator in Browse nomenclature task #2797
Scroll tables in New observation matrix task #2799
Updated Ruby gems
Replace autocomplete with OTU picker in biological associations form in radial object
Author string for incorrect original spelling #2743
Type species section doesn’t work in new taxon name #2785
Missing Variety and Form ranks in original combination section for ICZN in New taxon name task #2795
Check if current identifier is the same as current in comprehensive task #2550
Comprehensive digitization - entering ‘0’ in total breaks the interface #2807
Download link doesn’t work in data list view
Edit in Browse collecting event #2814
DwC importer is more robust to invalid taxon names
0.22.7 - 2022-01-26
Add more date (redundant) fields to DwC export #2780
Import and export custom label style in print label task
Attributions in Filter images #2639
People, role, images stats to
in DwC exports can beFossilSpecimen
via biocuration -
Classification section for Combination in New taxon name (botanical nomenclature support) #2681
New interface for biocuration groups and classes
DwCA export is much faster
CSV export optimized
now maps as
biocuration classification in DwC occurrences importer. -
Updated ruby gems
Updated js packages
cached_is_valid is now used in interfaces to show if a taxon is valid or invalid
Refactor Manage biocuration classes and groups task #83
missing from DwC exports. #2766 -
Cloning columns from matrices sometimes partially failed #2772
Custom style
button in Print label task #2764 -
Missing valid/invalid/combination mark in citation by source task #2760
Missing observation matrices in copy columns/rows from another matrix in New observation matrix task #2753
Handing of family names starting with
being recognized as given names #2747 -
Error 500 deleting a biocuration term #2181
Uniquify people task shows “0” in used column and no roles #2769
0.22.6 - 2022-01-10
Option to select all and quick tag in Filter image task #2744
Perform georeferences caching in background for faster DwC occurrences import #2741
Permit use of Ruby 3.1
Updated Ruby gems.
DwC occurrences importer: When matching protonyms also consider their alternate gender names if there are no matches by exact name. #2738
Allow import of specimens with empty
even wheninstitutionCode
are set.
Several batch loaders not working due to syntax incompatibility with currently used Ruby version. #2739
0.22.5 - 2021-12-22
Fixed “eye” validation crash when activated in Browse Nomenclature task #2736
0.22.4 - 2021-12-21
reset filters
button in DwC import task #2730
Add space on navbar in New taxon name #2701
Updated ruby gems and node packages.
Tabindex in model view
Overdue loan date time ago #2712
Descriptor character state destroy raising #2713
Loan items status not updatable (also new specs) #2714
Collecting event filter
facet #2720 -
Taxonifi wrapper init was broken
Character order selector sends null value on blank selection #2707
Interactive keys is loading two matrices on autocomplete search #2706
Select observation matrix
is not displaying all observation matrices #2708 -
Crashing when attempting to download DwC results from Filter Collection Objects task with ‘Treat geographic areas as spatial’ set.
Stats response contains
count when project token is set. -
Menu options broken when right-click on matrices in Observation matrix hub #2716
Copy rows from matrix in New observation matrix
GnFinder playground incompatibility with current GnFinder API
DwC checklist importer issue with synonyms have wrong rank #2715
Scientific name not cached properly when the taxon name is classified as part of speech #2721
Depictions dropzone tries to create Depictions before saving collecting event
Clipboard is not releasing key combination when the user clicks outside the window and release keys #2724
pattern from various controllers -
Unable to create loan items in Collection object match task #2731
DwC import search criteria is missing when search box is reopen #2729
Unable to download CoLDP exports
Otu facet in Filter image task
0.22.3 - 2021-12-03
Ability to inject links into Content via hot-key searching #1674
Upgraded to Postgres 12 in Docker Compose development environment. Postgres 10 container and volume are still present to allow for automatic data migration.
Identifier form elements on SQED breakdown #2700
0.22.2 - 2021-12-02
Upped from 40 to 500 the cutoff point at which updating a collecing event will trigger a DwcOccurrence rebuild
Added a
option when rendering metadata partial
Author by first letter (/people.json) [2697]
Loan recipient helper methods were confused with loan helper methods
Subsequent combination link in new taxon name task #2695
Unable to create tags in batches due to Ruby 3 syntax changes.
Observation matrices crashing due to response pagination bug.
Unable to create namespaces due to debug code accidentally added.
0.22.1 - 2021-12-01
Georeferences can link to Protocols
API -added extend character_state option to /observations
Updated reference string for ‘classified as’ relationship in Browse nomenclature
Custom attributes are not cleared on new record #2692
API - /api/v1/observation_matrices with no params failed
Asserted distribution link wasn’t HTML safe
0.22.0 - 2021-11-30
Indecies on taxon name hierarchies table
Batch create user admin task #2680
Radial navigation in loan task
boolean to Loan -
Loan item notes, type status, and recipient form layout improvements #2657
Recipient form link in Edit loan task
Gift checkbox in Loan task
API routes for data attributes via
#2366 -
API routes for observation matrices via
API route “status” for taxon names
#2243 -
API route “activity” for recent records/project
#2207 -
Indecies for updated_at on some large models
Observation matrix query filter (minimal)
Add download table button in DwC Importer
Confidence button on subsequent combination in New taxon name task
Create and new button in New descriptor task #2594
Content text is cropped on edit in OTU radial #2676
Diagnosis status in matrix row coder #2674
Layout preferences in comprehensive task #2673
includes &extend[] fordwc_fields
endpoint for human readable taxon name data and metadata (in part #2665) -
option to Namespace
Upgraded to Ruby 3.0.2
OTUs can be loaned 2x #2648
Upgraded gems
response uses&extend[]=dwc_fields
to return DwC fields; includes metadata -
Removed a loan item status ‘Loaned on’ (it’s inferrred)
Replaced Webrick with Puma (developers-only change)
Improved loan autocomplete metadata #2485
API observation responses are now isolated from internal
DwC occurrences importer now accepts
as separators forhigherClassification
. -
Restrict subsequent combination fields for genus and subgenus. #2677
Moved matrix autocomplete into
Include in matrix
section in New descriptor task #2685
Update Source autocomplete [#2693]
Containerized specimens export their identifier to DwC
Biological association objects could be destroyed when referenced in biological association
Reordering matrices by nomenclature when some rows have none
Tag facet bug affecting all filters but Source #2678
View errors on rows with no metadata in DwC importer
Scrollbar in alternate values annotator #2651
Missing data on response in citations annotator #2653
Missing author and year in taxon name on Citation by source #2650
Duplicate combinations in subsequent combination on New taxon name #2654
Missing documents in source filter #2661
Clonning source does not clean the doccumentation section #2663
Extra scrollbar in asserted distributions annotator #2662
The citations annotator sometimes displays a created citations that are not part of the object
Move synonyms section not visible #2670
Collecting Event collectors are not loaded when CE is selected using smart selector in Comprehensive task #2669
Genus descriptor interface
Free text character not saved if pasted from clipboard in Matrix Row Coder #2672
DwC importer crashing on invalid nomenclatural code
DwC exporter swapped
Error in Filter Collecting Event task when filtering by attributes that are stored as numbers in database
Set as current
button it isn’t working when taxon parent is root on Subsequent combination #2688 -
DwC checklist importing: original combination having wrong genus in some cases #2684
0.21.3 - 2021-11-12
Loan addresses don’t strip line-endings, and display in form #2641
Replace radial navigator icon #2645
Update smart selector tab selected on refresh
Loan id facet #2632
Roles in Image viewer
Missing roles after trigger page autosave in new taxon name #2631
Tag smart selector in new image task
0.21.2 - 2021-11-11
Support for DwC terms on body of water depth #2628
Filter Collection Objects by a specific Loan #2632
Updated ruby gems.
Containerized specimens display catalog number in tag correctly #2623
Improved CrossRef parsing for a new source #997
Container label shows catalog number for loan items #1275
Determiners are not saved after lock the list in comprehensive form #2626
Wrong rank for original combinations in DwC checklist importer #2621
No longer exposing exception data for failed records (not to be confused with errored) in DwC importer.
Smart selector is not working in Browse Annotations
Biological associations in OTU radial #2630
Fix citations on asserted distribution list in OTU radial #2629
Subsequent combinations are not scoped #2634
Missing scroll in alternate value annotator #2635
Smart selectors are not refreshing in New source #2636
Radial navigation doesn’t work on source in New taxon name task #2633
Determiner is not selectable on Grid Digitizer after “Create and new” #2637
DwC Dashboard data version counts correct now #2627
Common statuses are not displayed in New taxon name task #2642
Nomenclature and OTU (biology) display the same thing on Browse OTU page #2644
New combination task hangs editing a combination #2646
0.21.1 - 2021-11-05
Citations in image viewer
0.21.0 - 2021-11-04
Added new handling for plant name author_string.
Added new
section to handle historical protonym combination. -
Add new task ‘Object graph’, visualize and navigate your Things via a force-directed-graph (network) #2587
New combination editing, including support for multiple authors in plant names #666
Add new global identifier class for glbio repositories
New parameters for fine-tuning the API responses,
#2531 -
Parameter value
to all basic GET/object(/:id)
requests #2531 -
Parameter value
to all basic GET/object(/:id)
requests #2531 -
Parameter value
to all basic GET/object/:id
requests #2531 -
Parameter values
#2531 -
Parameter values
to ‘/combinations(/:id).json #2531 -
Parameter values
#2531 -
Parameter values
#2531 -
Parameter value
#2531 -
Parameter value
#2531 -
API route
/taxon_names/parse?query_string=Aus bus
for resolving names to Protonyms -
Parameter value
#2531 -
Param to isolate TaxonName smart select to Protonym if optional
Resize column in Filter tasks #2606
Confirmation banner in ‘Collection Object Match’
Added new DwcOccurrence date-version
dwcSex and dwcStage are now referenced by BiocurationGroup #2615
Improved autocomplete search for Serials, Sources and Repositories #2612
Ordering of GeorgaphicArea autocomplete results. Used areas and areas with shapes are prioritized
Basic (REST) endpoints send less information, use
to return more #2531 -
Numerous tasks updated to use the new REST pattern
Objects in basic show/index JSON endpoints are represented by their metadata, rather than all their attributes in many cases now #2531
Metadata in extensions does not cascade and return metadata of metadata #2531
JSON smart-selector data (
) includes base attributes, not metadata #2531 -
Updated corresponding ap1/v1 endpoints to use the
pattern for/otus
(in part) andbiological_associations
to match the new parameter values above -
uses metadata for related objects -
Optimized Source smart selection queries
Added option in DwC importer to specific the dataset type (defaults to auto-detection).
Replace autocomplete for smart selector in alternate values annotator #2610
DwC recordedBy not referencing verbatim_collectors, only collectors #2617
DwC recordedByID returning delimiter only records
DwC decimalLatitude/Longitude incorrectly mapped #2616
Citation style taxonworks.csl is updated [#2600]
broken in CollecitonObject filter -
Failure when setting up namespaces in DwC importer with datasets having unnamed columns
Namespace settings are not cleared when unmatched and re-opened in DwC Import #2586
ScientificNameAuthorship parsing issues in DwC importer #2589
Author and editor roles are missing after save or create a source in New source task [#2607]
Rank genus not being auto-detected when uninomial name in scientificName matches genus term value exactly
Soft validation block is displayed when is empty in New source task #2611
Clipboard shortcut hot-keys were broken
Serial raises on failed destroy gracefully handled
CrossRef assigns the wrong serial when journal is not present (partial) #2620
0.20.1 - 2021-10-15
Added missing OTU soft_validation for protonym
Added recent values on keywords
Added Attribution attributes to
API show responses -
can return images byimage_file_fingerprint
(MD5), in addition to id
Updated author string for misspellings
Removed footprintWKT from DwcOccurrence. It will be re-instated as optional in the future.
Removed GeographicArea from consideration as a georeference in DwcOccurrence
format, pointed it to -
Removed redundant ‘Rebuild’ button from Browse collection objects
DwC Dashboard past links are properly scoped
DwC Dashboard graphs show proper count ranges
DwC archive no longer truncated at 10k records
OccurrenceID was not being added to DwcOccurrence attributes in all cases #2573
Observation matrix show expand was referencing the wrong id #2540
Copy pasting into verbatim year with alphanumeric gives error even though numeric are all that are visible in New taxon name #2577
Record doesn’t sync/update the list in OTU quick forms #2576
TIFF images are not visible in filter image task #2575
Repository input shows value, when not set #2574
Images don’t load after expand depictions sections in comprehensive task
DwC occurrences importer being too strict when checking against existing nomenclature #2581
0.20.0 - 2021-10-12
DwC Import
for importing DwC Archive files -
DwC Dashboard
facilitating DwCA download, metadata reporting, and “health” checks #1467 -
Updated framework for producing and downloading DwC Archives (DwCA) #1775
Increased from 21 to 53 the number of fields referenced in the (DwCA) dump, including
#1269 -
Auto-generation of UUIDs for instances that don’t have global identifiers during DwcOccurrence record building #2186
Wikidata (Q) and ORCiD support for people references in DwCA dumps
Georeferences can have Confidences assigned to them #1772
CSL style ‘taxonworks.csl’ used as the default style for displaying sources #2517
Custom CSL citation support for reference formating (see styles at bottom of select format list). New .cls submitted via issue tracker and integrated to source.
New .csl style ‘world_chalcidoidea_book.csl“
BibTeX fields support verbatim values using “{}” for fields otherwise processed in BibTeX sources (e.g. author)
New specs for rendering Source citations
helper methods for REST responses #2532 -
A new soft validation option to auto fix for objective synonym that must share the same type
,Full size
andRadial navigation
buttons in Image viewer #2423 -
returns the dates at which DwcOccurrence indexing was modified. !! TODO: update date of merge. -
, for stats on the state of DwcOccurrence index -
to return a list of Predicates used on CollectionObjects and CollectingEvents -
to check whether DwcOccurrence records are up-to-date -
to check whether People referenced in DwcOccurences have GUIDs -
Task on Administration panel, “Reindex”, with (temporary) options to re-index small blocks of DwcOccurrence records
Button on CollectionObject filter to download filter result as DwC Archive #1303
User can select a corresponding Person as their data representation (facilitates Identifiers for Users) #1486
Centroid index on GeographicItem
on Download -
Index on polymorphic fields of DwcIndex (e.g. faster queries to CollectionObject)
Index on
for GeographicAreasGeographicItem -
Identifiers for AssertedDistributions
Various relationships enabling the joining of DwcOccurrence directly to other classes of data (e.g. Georeferences)
Isolated Georeference related utilities into their own module CollectingEvent::Georeference
A Taxonomy module that caches classification values, used in CollectionObject, and Otu
Methods to return when a record attribute was updated (e.g. verbatim_locality changed), and who did it for Papertrail including classes of data
Methods to handle multiple classes of globally unique identifiers on DwcOccurrence records
Pattern for isolating modules that aid DwC serialization per class of data
to quickly return well-known-text for geo-shapes (in part, #2526) -
New subclass of UUID
Clarified, via
why there are many decimal points in DwC latitude/longitude referencing fields #915 -
Option to rebuild single DwcOccurrence record for CollectionObject #2563
Ability to show observation matrices > 10k cells in size [#1790]
Rake task to rebuild source cached
Add download and radial buttons for image viewer in filter image
Downloading formatted sources with mixed types (BibTeX/Verbatim) failed #2512
Collection object filter type material param
Taxon name filter type metadata param fails #2511
Cloning a collecting event fails #2533
Modified recordedBy fields to only reference collector #2567
Many TDWG gazeteer references will now be properly categorized into state and country labels #2542
In Browse Nomenclature removed link to self for invalid taxon names with no synonymy #2327
Add missing original citation to synonym names in CoLDP export #2543
Uniquify people slow when many roles present #2528
Match combination when protonym has synonym relationships [#2525]
returns nil properly on unmatched types [#2504] -
Taxon determinations list in comprehensive task
The clone button doesn’t trigger update taxon name after authors were cloned [#2513]
Georeference count in new collecting event task #2519
Autofocus in New taxon name task #2523
Geographic area counts as georeference. Soft validations are sometimes loaded before saving georeferences #2519
parameter persist on after resetState in DwC Importer #2529 -
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
In project button #2530
View image matrix is passing wrong ids [#2537]
Observations with depictions sometimes are removed after move a depiction #2549
Relationship facet in Filter nomenclature
Determiner facet (param) in Filter collection objects
Verbatim year input allows alphanumeric numbers in New taxon name
Labels list renders for those linked to objects, or not
Updated “ICZN binomial” to “ICZN binominal” following the Code dictionary
Radial annotator Tag form uses a Keyword smart selector #2564
DwcOccurrence is rebuilt/refreshed each time Browse Collection Object is hit
is hidden in Browse CollectionOjbect #2559 -
Tweak geo coordinate matching on verbatim labels
Year suffix, stated year, language, translated title and notes added to bibliography rendering via
responses -
JSON param from&include_roles=true
Prefer project sources in source autocomplete
Status name ‘not for nomenclature’ changed to ‘not in published work’
Year letter is no longer appended to year in BibTeX exports
Include project’s name in CoLDP exports filename #2509
Implemented STI for downloads #2498\
Upgraded gnfinder gem that makes use of new REST API
Refactor help code
Unified various DwC value returning methods in their own explicitly named extensions
Isolated CollectionObject filter and API param handling to their own module for reference in multiple controllers
is now Integer -
Database ConnectionTimeoutErrors now result in a 503 response rather than a raise/email-warning
Added various
across collection objects related models -
is integer now -
Simplified SQL for ordering GeographicArea shapes
Tweak validation of ORCIDid format
Move autocomplete and lookup keyword to CVT controller #2571
Content by nomenclature
can be customized by selecting a Topic -
Remove identifier section in New type specimen
Nill strings (“u0000”) are stripped from fields before writing
0.19.7 - 2021-09-09
Add link to new type specimen task from type material form
Export Observation::Media depictions as proxies for Otu depictions in NeXML #2142
parens should be properly closed when present #2453 -
can not contain digits (like years) #2452 -
Generic date field component #2451
New taxon determination component
Smart selectors in asserted distribution and biological association quick forms.
Cleaned up taxon name navigator appearance
Destroying a loanable object destroys corresponding LoanItems automatically #2319
NeXML image URLs use shortened URLs
Reorder date fields in comprehensive, extract and new collecting event tasks #2450
Set Vue 3 reactive vuex state in comprehensive store, removed unnecesary mutations and getters
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
Bumped database_cleaner
Upgraded to ruby 6.1 #2474
Remove Taxon determination slice from OTU quick forms(Radial object)
Set active author tab in New taxon name #2461
to project name -
Moved collection object soft validations in comprehensive task #2491
Remove reactivity in map component. Maps should render much faster now
Tazon name hierarchical navigation broken #2487
CollectionObject filter type material facet bug
Trim buttons in comprehensive task
Trip code fields are empty after save.
Confidence button
spring not working on MacOS. Now RGeo/Proj is warmed up at initialization time
Combination preview label in New combination task
Smart selector is not refreshing after save #2468
Group and formation fields in comprehensive task
Changed date label #2473
Warning message persists when date exists in User facet #2480
Collection Object TODO List Task does not append right identifier number #2486
Loan item checkboxes reset when loan items “Updated” #2492
Loan item “select/deselect all” buttons missing after vue 3 migration #2493
Checkbox unbinding is not synced with update in Loan task #2495
Filter collection objects shortcuts
Prevent duplicate shortcuts
Observation matrix render error
Fix identifier update in new type specimen task
Radial menus are inheriting CSS properties in some cases #2505
Taxon determinations list in comprehensive task
0.19.6 - 2021-08-20
New namespace task #1891
Taxon determination list lock button in comprehensive task #2088
Add elevation accuracy parsing for verbatim labels #2448
Date fields order in comprehensive task
Auto advance date fields in comprehensive task
Changed checkbox label
sortable fields
toreorder fields
#2442 -
Modified behaviour of Source autocomplete and pattern for limiting results
Removed deprecated Travis CI files.
Source autocomplete exact ID was not prioritized and/or skipped
Keyboard shortcuts modal reopens when closing help #2436
Title attribute contains html tags on citations in browse OTU
Increment identifier in CO editor keeps number of leading zeros, changing length of number #2435
Collecting event lock in comprehensive task
Georeferences are not locked with collecting event #2449
Elevation not being parsed from labels properly #2447
0.19.5 - 2021-08-18
Content smart selector
Biological association list lock button in comprehensive task
Dynamic shortcuts for radial annotator and radial object. Shortcut is the first letter of the slice
Replaced panels with modals in Content editor task
Soft validation panel in new type specimen task
Replaced create predicate with link to project attributes customization page in custom attributes section #2426
Editing from Browse Collecting Event now redirects to Collecting Event task.
Create georeference from verbatim does not take uncertainty into account #2421
Cannot edit Georeference uncertainty in New collecting event task #2420
Georeference edit/delete button does not show up immediately on creation #2422
Unable to create a type specimen with an existing collection object
Catalog number is not updating after selecting another type specimen
Duplicate verbatim georeference on generate label in New collecting event and comprehensive tasks [#2427]
Biological association list persist after save and create a new collection object in comprehensive task
Comprehensive specimen task reset button adds false history entry in browser #2432
Whitespace chars in label preventing georefs to be properly parsed #2415
Rubocop broken settings
Extra semicolon in collecting event label when verbatim locality is blank
0.19.4 - 2021-08-13
Geographic areas not scoped in Georeferences pane until georeference added #2408
Georeference from previous collecting event shows up on new collecting event #2411
Fix biological associations in comprehensive form
Removed events for links in radial navigation #2412
Storage for PDF viewer
0.19.3 - 2021-08-10
Added soft-validation for loan if no docummentation
Added validation on 5 date fields in the loan, setting the priority of events.
Added search on alternative title in the Sorce autocomplete
Pdf icon in citation by source
Cancel function for http requests
Edit mode for contents in Quick forms #2385
Soft validation for collection object, type material, biological association, georeferences and taxon determinations in comprehensive task [#2396]
Pinned icon for images in radial annotator #1919
Biological association link_tag entities not metamorphosized #2392
Updated sorting for sources in autocomplete. Sources used in the same project are prioritized
Updated sorting for people in autocomplete. People used in the same project are prioritized
Autocomplete in Interactive key task
Copy and clone option in Matrix Row Coder
Edit biological associations form, broken HTML and fields incorrectly mapped #2370
Hidden pin and lock icons in asserted distribution quick form
biological_association_link helper
Confidence button
Dynamic rows/columns are not destroyable #2375
Asserted distribution edit view #2371
Missing citation and soft validation icons in New asserted distribution task
Typo preventing labels listings from working
Refresh summary in data view after use radial annotator
Collecting event soft validation in comprehensive task #2091
Missing param for BibTex #2397
Citation source not added to project if already in another project
Incorrect TypeMaterial type type validation for ICN #2378
Biological association links now link to subject, association (click middle) and object
Sort property,
in Filter nomenclature #2372 -
Replaced property
for csv download #2373 -
Refactor notification code, replaced jQuery for js vanilla
Keyboard shortcuts code, replaced jQuery with vanilla JS
Pinboard code, replaced jQuery with vanilla JS
Annotations code, replaced jQuery with vanilla JS
Dropzone timeout #2384
Edit link redirect to new collecting event task #2387
Edit link redirect to comprehensive specimen digitization #2394
Add source to project when tagged #1436
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
Updated ruby gems
0.19.2 - 2021-07-27
OriginRelationship display in Browse collection object #2362
Accession/Deaccession section in Collection object match task #2353
Similar objects section in MRC
Soft validation in Edit/new matrix task
Update download form [#2335]
Check and question icons
Upgraded from Ruby version 2.7.3 to 2.7.4
Updated ruby gems
Object validation component
Autocomplete in Interactive key task
Copy and clone option in Matrix Row Coder
Edit biological associations form #2370
0.19.2 - 2021-07-27
OriginRelationship display in Browse collection object #2362
Accession/Deaccession section in Collection object match task #2353
Similar objects section in MRC
Soft validation in Edit/new matrix task
Update download form [#2335]
Check and question icons
Upgraded from Ruby version 2.7.3 to 2.7.4
Updated ruby gems
Object validation component
Help plugin
Original relationships in Collection object quick form
CO Quick forms in comprehensive specimen digitization #2354
Biological associations in OTU quick forms
Update type species in new taxon name task
0.19.1 - 2021-07-15
Autogenerated description for OTU based on observation_matrix
Description section in Browse OTU
param in Browse OTU task -
Description in Matrix row coder
value from 5 to 500 in citations controller #2336 -
Updated ruby gems
Upgraded biodiversity gem to 5.3.1 (uses named params)
Show selected options for biological associations in comprehensive specimen digitization task #2332
Option to hide “Attributes”, “Buffered”, “Citations” and “Depictions” sections in comprehensive specimen digitization task #2333
Missing fields in comprehensive form
Fields not showing in “original combination and rank” section in New taxon name #2346
0.19.0 - 2021-07-08
Added new ICZN status: Invalid family group name due to synonymy of type genus replaced before 1961
Edit image matrix and view image matrix in observation matrices dashboard
WTK component in comprehensive digitization form #2245
Add invalid relationship checkbox on clone button in New taxon name task #2171
Download PDF button for documents in New source task #2102
Padial annotator for sources in New asserted distribution task #2105
Radial annotator for references in Browse Nomenclature/OTU tasks #2103
Depict person in New image task #2321
Move to
option for Depictions slice in Radial annotator -
Sort by nomenclature in edit/new observation matrix task #1748
Added authors facet in Filter nomenclature task
Citations panel for Collection object section with lock option in comprehensive specimen digitization task [#2328]
Updated ruby gems
Migrate Vue 2.6 to Vue 3.1.4
in collection objects controller -
Manage synonyms display only one level children in New taxon name #2213
Filter status and relationships according nomenclatural code in Filter nomenclature task #2157
User facet data range now allows to search for both criteria (
) #2317
Updated author string for botanical names
Timeline rendering error in Browse OTU
Fix wildcard by attribute in Filter collection object
Confidences modal height in radial annotator #2304
Fix empty search in Filter collection objects
Clean documents list on reset in New source
Missing hexagon soft validation in comprehensive specimen digitization task
Match by collection object is and tag creation in Collection object match
Destroy container when all other objects in container are deleted #2322
Clicking on “Tag” in Filter collection objects does not add tag #2323
0.18.1 - 2021-06-09
Params for
#1906 -
Params referenced in
endpoint #2276 -
endpoint #2277 -
TaxonName cached_is_valid boolean, takes into account Relationships and Classifications
Status to TaxonName autocomplete #2086
otu_filter param to interactive keys task
Radial annotator in New extract #2272
Fix for author string for unjustified emendation
Scope has_many related data to project properly #2265
Refresh event for smart selectors #2255
Edit type material in comprehensive form #2253
Reset selected ids on new search in observation matrices dashboard
Tiff images are not render on image viewer
Removed reachable
call -
Protocol not displayed after select it #2279
image aspect ratio in Transcribe depiction trask #2273
Unify Task Collecting Event filter look/feel #2203
Params to
, see #2277 -
CoL Data Package scoping updates
Removed incompatible identifier object type check for Identifier filter concerns
Unified some CollectingEvent filter param to singular pattern (collector_ids, otu_ids, geographic_area_ids)
Plural params for identifiers API endpoint merged to array single form. e.g., identifier_object_ids[]=47&identifier_object_ids=2232 => identifier_object_id[]=47&identifier_object_id=2232. #2195
Updated Ruby gems and node packages
scope now referencescached_is_valid
#2242 -
scope now referencescached_is_valid
#2242 -
#2242 -
#2242 -
remove unused TaxonName#cached_higher_classification
0.18.0 - 2021-05-14
to object radial JSON -
“Not specified” facet to Filter nomenclature #2226
New extract task interface #1934
citation experiment
#2230 -
jsconfig.json for Visual Studio Code
Image matrix viewer in Image matrix
Image matrix button in observation dashboard task
Image matrix link in Interactive keys task
Export scss vars to javascript
Pagination count in Filter nomenclature
OTU depictions column on view mode in Image matrix task
Grid table component
SVG Icon component
OTU depictions draggable in image matrix
Observations depictions in Browse OTU
Ctrl/Alt + V
shortcut for New Collecting event in Comprehensive task #2248 -
Zoom button in comprehensive form
CollectingEvent autocomplete/object_Tag only shows verbatim lat/long
from object radial JSON -
Made returning count from /controlled_vocabulary_terms optional # @jlpereira Potentially UI breaking check for use, and add &count=true to request if required
Removed quantification fields from Extract
Warning message on nuke action in Grid digitize task #2229
Upgraded from Ruby version 2.7.2 to 2.7.3
Upgraded to Node 14 LTS
Updated Ruby gems and Node packages
node-sass to dart-sass
Refactor image matrix edit table
Webpack configuration to export sass vars
Images size in image section on Browse otu
JSON for geographic area parents (no parent raise)
Hide soft validation section if is empty in New collecting events task
404 error when deleting records from data interfaces #2223
Rank order on New combination preview
Redirect after destroy a combination #2169
Drag and drop depictions in Image Matrix
Georeference error message in comprehensive task #2222
Number of uses not displayed in Uniquify people task #2219
SVG Image box in comprehensive [#2262]
0.17.1 - 2021-04-30
Moved endpoints to own model file
Permit params on client side
OTU picker on new observation matrix #2209
Frame overlaps in interactive key task #2202
Parse coordinate characters on comprehensive and new collecting event tasks
Hide row/column panel on new observation matrix
Soft validation section is always visible #2211
Ambiguous column problem in query for previous/next collecting event navigation.
Merge people count #2218
Replaced 1KB minimum image file size restriction with dimensions check (16 pixels minimum each) #2201
Switch selector on new observation matrix
Increment pdf filesize to 512MB #2212
Updated gems and npm packages
0.17.0 - 2021-04-23
Adds SoftValidation component with fix buttons, and wrench (goto fix) links #207
Database index on
Tests for base #next/#previous #2163
flag to create backup directory if it does not exist for taxonworks rake tasks requiringbackup_directory
. -
Edit inline options on edit/new loan task #2184
Shortcut legend on new taxon name task
Help tip and placeholder for definition in Manage controlled vocabulary task #2196
to API should not raise -
Descriptor::Qualitative destruction destroys rather than raises when character states unused.
Previous navigation #2163
Documenting source doesn’t add source to project #2172
Added missing params biocuration_class_ids and biological_relationship_ids to collection_objects_controller filter params. [skip-ci]
incorrect author string for misspelled combination is fixed
Missing data migration for
Show observation matrices count on radial object #2158
Overflow on New observation matrix #2168
Clear geographic area after reset #2174
PK sequence not set up properly on project export
Local identifiers’ cached values not being updated when updating namespace #2175
Uncertainty sign not populating in label #2109
Pressing the reset button doesn’t reset the by attribute facet in Filter collection object [#2180]
Fix routes in edit/new observation matrices task #2198
Refactor SoftValidations and params including specs #1972
Removed legacy non TaxonWorks agnostic import rake tasks (moving to their own repos)
Updated script predicting masculine, feminine and neuter species name forms
Changed how
is built (UNION, not OR) -
Changed TaxonName string for superspecies names
Updated y18n node package to version 4.0.1 #2160
Replaced Canvas for SVG radial menu
Close radial object after select a matrix on observation matrices slice #2165
Radial menu slices position
0.16.6 - 2021-03-26
handles nil #2155
0.16.5 - 2021-03-25
softvalidation fix for transfer of type species into coordinate subgenus
Link from Browse colleciton object to Browse OTU for current OTU det #2154
Collection object filter params for preparation and buffered fields #2118
Added soft_validations and fixes for coordinate name citations and roles.
route/view -
Determination, OTU and repository smart selectors on New image task #2101
Georeferences coordinates in label generate on New collecting event #2107
Lock buttons on New image #2101
Open PDF slider in all tabs #2106
TaxonName autocomplete by internal id
alt/ctrl + f
to focus the search autocomplete #2132 -
Annotations on Browse nomenclature
Collectors facet on Filter collection objects task
Preview use panel on Manage controlled vocabulary #2135
Renamed -
Updated Protonym.list_of_coordinate_names query. It helps for soft validation.
Nexus output file was modified to present full name of the of the taxon. TNT export was not changed.
Lock background color #2112
sortArray function now return a natural sort
Open confirmation modal and focus new button on New taxon name
Next and previous links for id and identifier on comprehensive task [#2134]
Determiner facet on Filter collection objects task
Updated gems (
bundle update
without alteringGemfile
updated softvalidation for non binominal names
updated label for species-group rank TaxonName
Compute print column divisions with barcode style labels #1993
Object tag for TaxonNameRelationship inverted #2100
Collection object filter, collecting event related params were not being passed #1807
Collection object filter with/out facets, in part #1455
CoLDP missing values for names without original combinations #2146
Multiple parent OTUs via parent_otu_id raised in CoLDp export #2011
Not being able to get pinboard items on some circumstances
Request-URI Too Large
loading georeferences on Browse OTU -
Tab order near parent when name is pinned #2130
Spinner in distribution section on Browse OTU
Destroying a container goes to 404 page #2133
Missing Determiner param #2119
Refresh status and relationship list on rank change #2010
Remove map shapes after reset form on Filter collection objects
Create georeference from verbatim
button when latitude and longitude are not available #2152 -
Fix create determinations and biocurations before turn off the spinner #1991
0.16.4 - 2021-03-09
Multiple presnece/absence params for collection objects filter #2080
Filter collection objects by determiner (Person) #1835
Tag smart selector on create collection object in New collecting event task #2066
Year field on person source in new source task
Create new biocuration and in relationship links in filter collection object
Determiner in filter collection object
HEIC image format support
PDF drop box on new source task #2094
Confirmation modal to clone source #2099
Smart selector on attributions in Radial annotator #2081
Soft validation scope for AssertedDistributions not scoped to taxon #1971
Uniquifying 2 people attached to the same source raises #2078
Render Source::Human cached with year, udpate
#2067 -
Qualitative states in matrix row coder order correctly #2076
Better source cached filter wildcards #1557
Observation matrices hub link #2071
Refresh button component #2085
Update comprehensive url #2096
called 2x #2089 -
error radius
of a georeference in new collecting event task #2087 -
Previous and next navigate navigation links #2039
Now using ImageMagick 7 instead of 6
Production and development docker images are now based off a single base image
Development docker environment uses rvm instead of rbenv (matching version manager that has been used for production)
Updated npm packages
0.16.3 - 2021-02-26
Additional date recognition format in date RegEx
Pagination on Browse Annotations #1438
New combination for subgenus #748
Warn about unsaved changes on Accession metadata #1858
output format not being ISO8601-compliant #1939 -
Some value label in Filter sources
Dropzone error message
Redirect to Image Matrix on OTU Radial #2033
Race condition problem when generating dwc_occurrences indexing
Pagination in Filter sources
Replaced geckodriver-helper with webdrivers gem
Improvement sort table on collection object, source and nomenclature filters
0.16.2 - 2021-02-18
Additional date recognition format in date RegEx
Fields with/out some value facet for Source filter #2023
Keyword params to TaxonName API
Adds database index to Sour title, year, author
Keyword and/or logic in Tag facets (throughout) #2026, #2032
endpoint #1871 -
Quick label on collection object quick form #2003
Lock biological relationship in radial object [#2036]
Confirmation popup to delete a type material in comprehensive
Tag facet to filter nomenclature #2047
Checkmark on verbatim should visible only
Updated gems (
bundle update
without alteringGemfile
) -
Updated node packages (
npm update
without alteringpackages.json
) -
verbatim author
in filter nomenclature -
Keywords styled after choice in Tag facet
Keywords removed from all list after choice in Tag facet
Model LoanItem - Tagged batch adds tag, not object #2051
Prevent non-loanable things being loaned #2043
param properly permitted TaxonName api/filter -
TaxonName#name allowed spaces #2009
Fix help tip of pinboard navigator shortcut
Generate label button #2002
Save collectors in new collecting event task #2016
Fix image viewer on filter image task
Image caption modal size #2030
Set created loan object #2042
Refactor edit load items #2044
0.16.1 - 2021-01-26
0.16.0 - 2021-01-25
New collecting event task #1530
“Quick” collection objects options from new collecting event task
New WKT georeference inputs
Auto-georeference and date Collecting Events by depicting images with pertinent EXIF data
Route linting specs
Generate label (alpha), pastes values into print label input
Collecting event navigation options (next/previous with/out <many things>
Nested_attributes for Labels
Collection object/and collecting event navigation options/bridges
a preview look for brief tables -
Subclasses for labels:
for barcode rendering -
attribute to Label JSON response that renders QR code -
Add accommodation for printing pages of barcode-based labels
an anonymous WKT based georeference assertion -
Add option to disable name-casing when Person is created from
#1967 -
Full CASTOR (taxon names batch load) example template, CASTOR preview notices
New ICZN class added: NoDiagnosisAfter1930AndRejectedBefore2000 for family-group names
Add image attributions, original citation and editor options in image viewer #1978
Browse current OTU button in Browse OTU
Moved buttons in collecting event on comprehensive task #1986
Improved collecting event status in smart selector on comprehensive digitization
Some tasks route names were “malformed” and renamed
ENV variable
must now betrue
, not anything, to trigger linting specs -
uses a build getter to enable Label building -
Georeference validation requires CollectingEvent (enabled by proper use of
) -
Tweak to how
is calculated trying to eliminate database calls -
Minor cleanup of batch preview layouts
Changed softvalidation message for names being on Official ICZN lists
Fetch codecov, seedback and closure_tree gems from RubyGems.
Updated gems (
bundle update
without alteringGemfile
). -
= true from taxon name on filter images task #1953 -
Turn off autocomplete feature on vue autocomplete #1956
Limited CoLDP exports runtime to 1 hour and 2 attemps.
Turn off autocomplete on new taxon name task
Replaced display name attribute for object_label in parent autocomplete on New taxon name task
Filter task by name only [#1962]
Search geographic area by verbatim coordinates on new collecting event
Show coordinates from verbatim georeference
Parsed verbatim label to fields
Parsed EXIF coordinates to verbatim fields
Changed autocomplete label #1988
Using newer biodiversity gem from official source
Updated gems (
bundle update
without alteringGemfile
CoLDP [sic], errant chresonym, and basionym ids for misspellings
Loan items reference proper housekeeping in table
Line links of batch-preview results
broken API download link for exported references #1908
removed BASIS task stub #1716
project scoping #1958 -
for some models withoutproject_id
New source after cloning not display changes on authors / editors lists
Edit taxon name firing multiple updates when updating gender #1970
Correct image size on image viewer
Save pages before clone person on new taxon name #1977
Correct count display of attributions #1979
Uncheck collecting event option #1980
Trip Code/Identifier not visible in header of Edit collecting event #1990
0.15.1 - 2020-12-14
can not be active for > 119 years -
Show buffered values in
Task - Browse collection objects
#1931 -
Default pin button on Uniquify people task
Checkbox to Select/unselect all match people on Uniquify people task #1921
Pixels to centimeter on new image task
Clean timeline display in
Task - Browse collection objects
displays password for created users and adds admin to Default project #1913 -
Start date needs to be set before set end date on Housekeeping facet
Bump node package
from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7
CVT smart selectors/pinboard scope broken #1940
Image filter
was to betaxon_name_id
#1916 -
Bad Image select_option sort #1930
Housekeeping filter params now less restrictive #1920 PENDING UI TEST
ShallowPolymorphic called in
form #1928 -
Documentation of param names, examples, for the “CASTOR” taxon name batch load #1926
task not handling settings reliably. #1914 -
attribute true on radial annotator for object with annotations on data views and Browse nomenclature task -
Invalid attribute
in Note API result view. -
Malformed PDF exception handling in Document model.
Clipboard copy shortcut
Source hub link on Citations by source task
Clean content editor after change a topic
0.15.0 - 2020-11-30
Export project database task #1868
Additional collecting methods recognized from the collecting event label
Added content filter, API endpoints #1905
New greatly simplified controller concern
for handling link b/w shallow routes and filters -
Note filter improvements, specs, new params, API exposure [#XXX]
(very slight potential for issues) -
Multiple new people filter params, see
#1859 -
People can be Tagged
Added image filter #1454
Added image smart selector #1832
to images #1785 -
options) to/taxon_names
#1865 -
Taxon determination, citations and collecting event information in specimen record on browse OTU
Serial facet on filter sources
Pulse animation for radial annotator #1822
OTU column in asserted distribution on Browse OTU #1846
Radial annotator on Uniquify people task
History title on Browse nomenclature
otu_ids param on Image matrix task
Open image matrix button on Interactive keys task
Citations on image response
View mode on image matrix
Lock view option for smart selector
Sortable option to lock column/rows on edit/new observation matrix task #1895
Media Descriptor support on Matrix Row Coder #1896
Free Text Descriptor support on Matrix Row Coder #1896
Search source on New source task #1899
Link to Browse OTU on New asserted distribution task #1893
Link to Browse OTU on comprehensive specimen digitization #1889
Potential issue (may be others) with CoLDP raising in the midst of large exports
People filter role + name #1662
Fix family synonym validation [#1892]
Fix matrix view row order #1881
CVT view helper bug with predicates
Fixed database seeding bugs.
Fixed display problem of OTUs without taxon name on Browse OTU
Edit asserted distribution on quick forms
Reference overflow on Browse nomenclature
Date requested filled automatically #1872
Remove collecting event on comprehensive specimen digitization #1878
Loan smart selector DB query.
Label overlap on menu on observation matrices view #1894
Remove repository on comprehensive specimen digitization #1897
change the order of TaxonName softvalidation to bring the duplicate message on the top
tweaked CoLDP
id concept and use -
from Content params -
endpoint, use/contents.json
, in progress, see Notes controller -
Note filter params
, added corresponding non-array versions -
to Query for general use -
endpoint (used/index
) -
Person filter
Person filter behaviour vs.
cached_valid_taxon_name_id updated for combination after valid status is assigned.
updated soft validation for ‘Uncertain placement’
[sic] changed to (sic) for misspelled bacterial names
Additional date and geographical coordinate formats added to the Verbatim label RegEx parsers
Observation matrix could be resolved without observation_matrix_id, only with otu_filter
rake db:seed
is now possible. -
Disabled hamburger menu when no functionality behind it on Browse OTU #1737
No longer needed set user on User facet in filters
Autocomplete label for original combination on New taxon name task
Changed “n/a” to combination label on Browse nomenclature
Create original citation in image matrix task
Autocomplete list style
Edit button color on type material species task #1898
GitHub Actions used as main CI/CD provider
Updated vulnerable node packages #1912
0.14.1 - 2020-10-22
to /roles/:id -
to /taxon_names -
param to /people -
params to /taxon_names -
params to /collecting_events -
Shape on asserted distribution list #1828
Row filter on Interactive keys task
Interactive keys and image matrix buttons on observation matrix dashboard
Wrong param attribute in topic smart selector on radial annotator #1829
Show repository on Browse OTU
Enable search after fill collecting event fields #1833
Missing geo_json param on geographic_area request #1840
Exclude Roles from response from /api/v1/people by default
to 10000 -
Random words clashes mitigation: Project factory names made longer and
unique generator is reset only between specs instead of before each test. -
Removed pages field on topic section
Improved verbatim date parsing
Georeference scope over geographic area scope #1841
0.14.0 - 2020-10-16
Added additional date recognition format for RegEx
Added OTU filter in the interactive key API
Collecting Event API endpoints
Collection Object API endpoints
Biological Assertion API endpoints
Asserted Distribution API endpoints
New Otu API params
People filter API endpoints #1509
Identifier filter API endpoints #1510
Source filter API endpoints #1511
New Interactive Key task #1810
New model for matrix based interactive keys which produce JSON for the Interactive Key task #1810
field to descriptor -
Ancestors facet on filter nomenclature #1791
TW_DISABLE_DB_BACKUP_AT_DEPLOY_TIME env var to disable built-in backup functionality at deploy/database-update time.
Display coordinate type specimens #1811
Changed background color header for invalid names on Browse OTU
Taxonworks version in header bar when not running in sandbox mode
Fixed radial navigator broken for some data #1824
Fixed IsData position #1805
Collecting event object radial metadata settings
Webpack resolved_paths deprecation warning
Missing /otus/:otu_id/taxon_determinations route
tw:db:restore task not picking up database host settings
Create citation on new combination without pages
Param descriptor id on new descriptor task #1798
Filter by user on filter nomenclature #1780
Optimized selector queries for Loan model
Fix original author string for Plant names
Additional date format added for date recognition RegEx
Removed some attributes from api/v1 endpoints to simplify responses
type_materials/:id.json includes
string -
CoLDP references are full cached values, not partially passed
Combination nomenclatural code inference drawn from members, not parent
Some nomenclature rank related simbols moved to constants
Load Images for coordinate OTUs #1787
Extended New Image task upload timeout from 30 seconds to 10 minutes
Updated rgeo-proj4 gem
0.13.0 - 2020-09-22
Removed forced dependency on google-protobuf gem
Updated gems
Browse OTU page unifies coordinate OTUs for Asserted Distribution and Biological Associations #1570
Handling for new unicode minutes, seconds symbols #1526
Descriptor object radial paths
Many specs related to dynamic observation matrix items
Improvements to Descriptor autocomplete labels #1727
rake tw:maintenance:otus:missplaced_references
#1439 -
Pdf viewer button on Documentation and Source views #1693
Spinner for when converting verbatim to bibtex #1710
Set OTU in determination when otu_id param is present on comprehensive task
“Create georeference from verbatim” button in Parsed column on comprehensive task
Sortable order for Type material, Biological association and Determinations on comprehensive task
User facet on Filter nomenclature task #1720
Pagination on Filter noemnclature task #1724
Biological associations filter on Browse OTU
AssertedDistribution filter
can now also take array form, e.g.otu_id[]=
Preload all CSL styles via fixed constant, increasing boot speed #1749
Return value format for Utilities::Geo.distance_in_meters changed from [Float] to [String]
Data migration updating all
column values for matrix row/column items -
Tweaked JSON attribute response for matrix rows and columns very slightly
Updated observation item types to properly nest them, inc. all downstream changes (Factories, etc.)
Unfied matrix hooks in various places
Updated some matrix related routes to point to tasks
Updated respec
tag toobservation_matrix
Methods that write to cached should not fire callbacks, potential for #1701
Using custom geckodriver-helper for Firefox 80 support
Override browser shortcuts on task hotkeys #1738
Biological associations section on Browse OTU
TW now supports Postgres 12 #1305
Replaced biodiversity with custom gem repo using IPC with gnparser processes
Updated gems
Character “΄” also accepted as minute specifier in coordinates parsing.
Fixed LOW_PROBABILITY constant message
Matrix rows/items prevent OTU (and collection object) from being destroyed #1159
Scope of dynamic taxon name row item #1747
Processing of values (in distance_in_meters) to limit significant digits of results of unit conversions. Decimal degrees not affected at this time. #1512
Character state order not correct in Nexus format #1574
Dynamic observeratoin matrix items not properly scoped/behaving #1125
Destroy pdf pages before create new ones #1680
Serial multiple updates did not update bibtex author field #1709
Fix (likely) for pinboard items failing to remove #1690
Better response for failed collecting event cloning #1705
Cleaned up deprecated biological associations graph autcomplete #1707
method for identifiers breaks identifiers list #1702 -
Graceful failed serial destroy response #1703
Restored Show -> edit link #1699
Enable search button after pick a collecting event date on Filter collection objects task [#1728]
Misppeling collecting_event_ids parameter [#1729]
Non-original combination authorship lacking parentheses #1686
0.12.17 - 2020-02-02
Successfull source destroy message
Pending - Definition field to BiologicalRelationship model and views #1672
New button to (attempt to) convert verbatim sources to Bibtex via Crossref
Model methods and attribute to change Source Verbatim to Bibtex #1673
DOMPurify package to sanitize html
List all Keyword and Topics in smart selector on filter source #1675
Added data links tool in markdown editor (Ctrl/Alt-Shift-L) #1674
Definition field on composer biological relationship task #1672
Unified can_destroy/edit methods
Improved Source autocomplete with metadata/markup #1681
Changed CoLDP download to use Catalog::Nomenclature as name source
Replace SimpleMDE for EasyMDE
Sort alphabetically bibliography style list on filter source
Removed limit of download bibtex on filter source #1683
Disable/enable destroy button from metadata on radial navigator #1696
Non admins not able to destroy shared data #1098
Pending confirmation: Include original combinations in CoLDP #1204
Pending confirmation: Include forma/variety properly in CoLDP #1203
Docker: Fixed path typo on clean up command
Tag button on filter source #1692
Overflow in taxon names list in new taxon name #1688
Confidence button overlapped in new combination #1687
0.12.16 - 2020-08-24
Highlight metadata that is not in this project in uniquify people task #1648
Locks buttons on grid digitizer task #1599
Option to export styled bibliography on filter sources task #1652
Edit button in content section on radial object #1670
Drag button style on new taxon name #1669
Removed SimpleMDE lib from ruby assets and added to npm dependencies
Allow taxon name type relationships to be cited #1667
BibTex html no longer escaped #1657
Some of the elements of the form are not accessible on overflow. #1661
Populate masculine, feminine and neuter on gender form #1665
Markdown render on Browse OTU #1671
0.12.15 - 2020-08-18
Sqed hook initiated with String, not Class #1654
0.12.14 - 2020-08-17
Help tips in comprehensive specimen digitization task
Help tips in new source task
Type section in Browse OTUs task #1615
Automatically filter sections by taxon rank in Browse OTUs task
Rank string in browse nomenclature
Pinboard navigator (Ctrl/Alt + G) #1647
Filter by repository in filter collection objects #1650
Hotkey for add element to pinboard (Ctrl/Alt + P)
Collectors order in comprehensive specimen digitization
Losses data of etymology form after set a gender
Autocomplete component not encoding query params properly
Random RGeo deserialization errors #1553
New combination redirect to the valid name #1639
Rename comprehensive specimen digitization task card
Updated chartkick gem #1646
Improved verbatim date and geographic coordinates recognition
Improved soft validation messages for coordinated species-group
0.12.13 - 2020-08-04
Delete confirmation for original combinations #1618
Delete confirmation for type specimens in new type specimen task
Check if already exist an asserted combination with the same otu and geographic area in new asserted distribution task #1329
Modal on duplicate original citations in radial annotator #1576
Soft validations component for citations in radial annotator and tasks #1552
Redirect to valid name in browse nomenclature #446
sessionStorage for browse nomenclature autocomplete #446
Observation matrices in radial object #1527
Comprehensive task to taxon name radial #934
Map on OTU radial in asserted distribution form #856
Pin objects from list in filter sources
Checkbox to make document public on list in radial annotator
Title legend for “make default” icon in pinboard slide
Checkbox to alternative between AND/OR filter for authors in filter sources
Lep staged 2 layout for staged images #1635
Use amazing_print instead of awesome_print gem
Cleanup and add spec basis for nomenclature tabular stats queries
Improve/unify image modal #1617
Replace repository and source autocompletes for smart selectors in new type material task
Changed autosave behaviour in new asserted distribution task
Gender list order in new taxon name task
Page range soft validation message made less strict
Original citation-related UI text
Moved taxon name input search to right column in new taxon name
Persons autosave in new taxon name
Updated elliptic node package. #1632
Flip object to subject label on type section in new taxon name task
Shapes are possible to drag even if this option is not set up
Columns size of georeference table #1622
Webpacker host and port bind on docker container
Wrong taxon name relationship soft validation message for genera
Modal confirmation its not displaying in manage synonyms section #1627
Manage synonyms includes combinations #1628
Recent and per params in source filter and controller
Missing ZIP dependency for docker images
Attempting to return geographic areas in OTU smart selector on certain conditions
0.12.12 - 2020-07-22
Seeing OTUs in Recent that do not belong to project #1626
0.12.11 - 2020-07-14
Type material designations are now grouped by collection object in Browse OTUs (refs #1614)
Protonym parent priority soft validation #1613
Type specimens count in Browse OTUs task
Attempting to update containers as if them were collection objects in Grid Digitizer task #1601
0.12.10 - 2020-07-07
Smart selection source on new combination and citations annotator
Parsed verbatim label on comprehensive specimen digitization task
Soft validation in timeline on Browse OTUs #1593
Topic facet in Filter Sources task #1589
Counts on type specimen and specimen records sections on Browse OTUs
Collecting method parsing in verbatim label text
Replaced vue-resource package by axios
Disabled parallel upload on new image task #1596
Default verbatim fields order on comprehensive specimen digitization
Set radius error in verbatim georeference #1602
Timeline filter.
Missing High classification ranks on classfication autocomplete on new taxon name #1595
Date and geo-coordinates parsing improvements
Also update cached taxon name fields when Adjective or Participle is selected
Repositories and Serials smart selectors’ recent entries optimizations
Filter collecting events was passing a wrong (changed name) parameters and structure for maps and geographic area
Not showing up people list after a crossref source #1597
Scroller in georeferences map modal
Grid Digitizer task failing to update containerized specimens matched by identifiers #1601
Specimen not associate with genus after create it in type section on new taxon name #1604
Volume field only accepted numbers #1606
Smart selectors not remove the previous selection after press new on New source task #1605
Georeference methods
returning longitude andlongitude
latitude -
Smart selector overrides custom list after lists are loaded #1608
Duplicate shortcut, using the same one for comprehensive specimen digitization and clipboard #1612
Typo in taxon name relationship soft validation message.
0.12.9 - 2020-07-01
Endpoint for verbatim label parsing (dates and geographic coordinates)
on misspellings of family-group full taxon names
Containerized objects not showing up together #1590
Citations by Source task not loading taxon names list #1591
0.12.8 - 2020-06-29
Set autofocus on source and geographic area in OTU radial asserted distribution form
endpoint - all OTUs coordinate with this one (refs #1585) -
Autosave on new asserted distribution task
Unauthorized json response
Better error handle for vue-autocomplete
Replaced old method to handle ajax call in all tasks
Updated relationships filter param on new taxon name task (refs #1584)
ControlledVocabularyTerm model no longer requires SKOS with URI (refs #1562, #1561)
Improved sorting of objects in the Browse Nomenclatue task
Updated dwc-archive gem to version 1.1.1
controller method crash -
Recent list of biological associations not working due to the use of incorrect table
0.12.7 - 2020-06-26
Taxon name status and relationships soft validations display in Browse Nomenclature task
Interface to select OTUs and create rows in Observation Matrices Dashboard task
Autosave system in New Taxon Name task (refs #649)
Etymology filter in Nomenclature Filter task (refs #1549)
Added new shortcuts for Comprehensive Digitization, New Type Specimen, New Taxon Name and Browse Nomenclature tasks
Classification section in New Taxon Name task
Spec to test md5 of multi-line verbatim labels (refs #1572)
Display classifications alongside relationships in Browse Nomenclature task
Add children and add sibling buttons in New Taxon Name task (refs #1503)
Link to create new serial on smart selector of New Source tast
Semantic section coloration in Browse OTU task (refs #1571)
Rank prediction in New Taxon Name task (refs #1054)
Optimized recently used geographic area and sources search
Improved part of speech and etymology soft validation messages
Year suffix and pages are now also used when sorting citations in Browse Nomenclature task
Replaced old geographic area smart selector with newer version
Swapped ‘Masculine’ and ‘Femenine’ positions in New Taxon Name task (refs #660)
Replaced uses of
(refs #1548) -
Refactored New Taxon Name front end code
Display text of some taxon name relationships
Autocomplete visible in all tabs of smart selector
OTU autocomplete searches now also matches by common names (refs #869)
Browse Taxa task renamed to Browse OTU
Using unreleased closure_tree code from official repo to address deprecation warning messages
“valid by default” no longer displayed when a relationship exists in New Taxon Name task (refs #1525)
Improvements in BibTex and New Source task UI
Improvements in role picker and smart selectors in Comprehensive Collection Object Form and New Source tasks
Optimized some filters for some smart selectors (refs #1534)
Smart selector for sources no longer ordered by name
Some minor UI tweaks in some places
Updated ruby gems
Recently used objects code on some models
Collection Object Filter task not filternig by type material type (#1551)
Forms not being cleared when pressing
on Compose Biological Relationships task (#1563) -
Not getting the full list of topics when clicking all in
Radial annotator -> Citation -> Topic
(#1566) -
Showing name instead of the short name in
Radial Annotator -> Identifiers -> Preview
(#1567) -
button keeps disabled when creating a new citation fails inRadial annotator -> Citation
(#1568) -
Incorrect method call in Match Georeference task view
Display of misspellings on taxon name relationships
Femenine and neuter names ending in ‘-or’ not being accepted (#1575)
Spinner not disabled when entering malformed URIs in Manage Controlled Vocabulary task form (#1561)
“–None–” results obscuring buttons until clicking off the record (#1558)
0.12.6 - 2020-06-12
Matrix observation filters
Full backtrace in exception notification
and several other basic default units to Descriptors #1501 -
Basic Observation::Continuous operators
Linked new Descriptor form to Task - New descriptor
Updated node packages and changed webpacker configuration
Progress on fix for #1420: CoLDP - Name element columns only getting populated for not valid names
Made TaxonNameClassification scopes more specific to allow citation ordering (refs #1040)
Minor fix in observation matrix dashboard
Potential fix for
when updating taxon name-related data
0.12.5 - 2020-06-08
Default unit selector for sample character in New Descriptor task (#1533)
‘None’ option for unit selector in Matrix Row Encoder task
New Descriptor units
Updated websocket-extensions node package
Optimized smart selector refresh
Improved removal error message when source is still in use by some project
Language selector backend bug
Sort by page on Citations by Source task (#1536)
Removed duplicate
on project sources controller
0.12.4 - 2020-06-05
Pagination on New Observation Matrix task
Hyperlink to Observation Matrices Dashboard task on New Observation Matrix task (#1532)
New deletion warning messages on New Observation Matrix task
Renamed New Matrix task to New Observation Matrix
Citations are now saved without locking on New Taxon Name task
Updated gems (
bundle update
without alteringGemfile
) -
Several optimizations on recently used objects retrieval for smart selectors
Loosing input page numbers when switching tabs on New Taxon Name task
The following versions predate this CHANGELOG. You may check the comparison reports generated by GitHub by clicking the versions below
<!– –> | <!– –> |
0.12.x | [0.12.3](2020-06-04) [0.12.2](2020-06-02) [0.12.1](2020-05-29) [0.12.0](2020-05-15) |
0.11.x | [0.11.0](2020-04-17) |
0.10.x | [0.10.9](2020-04-03) [0.10.8](2020-03-27) [0.10.7](2020-03-26) [0.10.6](2020-03-18) [0.10.5](2020-03-11) [0.10.4](2020-03-04) [0.10.3](2020-02-25) [0.10.2](2020-02-22) [0.10.1](2020-02-21) [0.10.0](2020-02-20) |
0.9.x | [0.9.8](2020-02-05) [0.9.7](2020-02-03) [0.9.6](2020-01-29) [0.9.5](2020-01-14) [0.9.4](2020-01-10) [0.9.3](2019-12-23) [0.9.2](2019-12-18) [0.9.1](2019-12-16) [0.9.0](2019-12-13) |
0.8.x | [0.8.9](2019-12-11) [0.8.8](2019-12-09) [0.8.7](2019-12-06) [0.8.6](2019-12-06) [0.8.5](2019-11-27) [0.8.4](2019-11-26) [0.8.3](2019-11-22) [0.8.2](2019-11-21) [0.8.1](2019-11-19) [0.8.0](2019-11-16) |
0.7.x | [0.7.4](2019-10-23) [0.7.3](2019-10-19) [0.7.2](2019-10-05) [0.7.1](2019-10-02) [0.7.0](2019-09-30) |
0.6.x | [0.6.1](2019-06-16) [0.6.0](2019-06-14) |
0.5.x | [0.5.4](2019-05-02) [0.5.3](2019-05-02) [0.5.2](2019-04-23) [0.5.1](2019-04-18) [0.5.0](2019-04-10) |
0.4.x | [0.4.5](2018-12-14) [0.4.4](2018-12-06) [0.4.3](2018-12-04) [0.4.2](2018-12-04) [0.4.1](2018-11-28) [0.4.0](2018-11-08) |
0.3.x (*) | [0.3.16](2018-09-24) [0.3.15](2018-09-17) [0.3.14](2018-09-11) [0.3.13](2018-09-11) [0.3.12](2018-05-14) [0.3.11](2018-05-11) [0.3.9](2018-05-11) [0.3.7](2018-05-10) [0.3.6](2018-05-10) [0.3.4](2018-05-02) [0.3.3](2018-05-02) [0.3.2](2018-03-27) [0.3.1](2018-03-08) [0.3.0](2018-03-08) |
0.2.x (*) | [0.2.29](2018-02-05) [0.2.28](2017-07-19) [0.2.27](2017-07-19) [0.2.26](2017-07-16) [0.2.25](2017-07-12) [0.2.24](2017-07-12) [0.2.23](2017-07-11) [0.2.22](2017-07-11) [0.2.21](2017-07-10) [0.2.20](2017-07-10) [0.2.19](2017-07-10) [0.2.18](2017-07-10) [0.2.17](2017-07-10) [0.2.15](2017-07-10) [0.2.11](2017-07-10) [0.2.10](2017-07-10) [0.2.9](2017-07-10) [0.2.8](2017-07-10) [0.2.6](2017-07-10) [0.2.5](2017-07-10) [0.2.4](2017-07-10) [0.2.3](2017-07-10) [0.2.2](2017-07-10) [0.2.1](2017-07-10) [0.2.0](2017-07-10) |
0.1.x | Unreleased |
0.0.x | [0.0.10](2017-06-23) [0.0.9](2017-06-23) [0.0.8](2017-06-09) [0.0.6](2017-06-09) [0.0.5](2017-06-09) [0.0.4](2017-06-09) [0.0.3](2017-06-02) [0.0.2](2017-06-01) 0.0.1(**) (2017-06-01) |
(*) Missing versions have not been released.
(**) Report cannot be provided as this is the first release.