Class: Queries::Query::Filter
- Inherits:
- Object
- Queries::Query
- Queries::Query::Filter
- Includes:
- Concerns::Users
- Defined in:
- lib/queries/query/filter.rb
This class manages params and nesting of filter queries.
Each inheriting class defines a PARAMS variable. Each concern defines ‘self.params`. Together these two lists are used to compose a list of acceptable params, dynamically, based on the nature of the nested queries.
Test coverage is currently in /spec/lib/queries/otu/filter_spec.rb.
!! When adding a new query tests do some linting of parameters, constants etc. Run them early and often !!
Direct Known Subclasses
AlternateValue::Filter, AssertedDistribution::Filter, Attribution::Filter, BiologicalAssociation::Filter, BiologicalAssociationsGraph::Filter, Citation::Filter, CollectingEvent::Filter, CollectionObject::Filter, CommonName::Filter, Confidence::Filter, Content::Filter, ControlledVocabularyTerm::Filter, DataAttribute::Filter, Depiction::Filter, Descriptor::Filter, Document::Filter, Documentation::Filter, Download::Filter, DwcOccurrence::Filter, Extract::Filter, FieldOccurrence::Filter, GeographicArea::Filter, Georeference::Filter, Identifier::Filter, Image::Filter, Loan::Filter, Namespace::Filter, Note::Filter, Observation::Filter, ObservationMatrix::Filter, ObservationMatrixRow::Filter, OriginRelationship::Filter, Otu::Filter, Person::Filter, ProtocolRelationship::Filter, Role::Filter, Serial::Filter, Source::Filter, SqedDepiction::Filter, Tag::Filter, TaxonDetermination::Filter, TaxonName::Filter, TaxonNameClassification::Filter, TaxonNameRelationship::Filter
Constant Summary collapse
!! SUBQUERIES is cross-referenced in app/views/javascript/vue/components/radials/filter/links/*.js models. !! When you add a reference here, ensure corresponding js model is aligned. There are tests that will catch if they are not.
For example:
You may also need a reference in app/javascript/vue/routes/routes.js app/javascript/vue/components/radials/linker/links
This is read as :to <- [:from1, from2…] ].
!! If you add a ‘def <model>_query_facet“ to a filter you will get warnings if that !! model is not referencened in this constant.
{ asserted_distribution: [:source, :otu, :biological_association, :taxon_name, :dwc_occurrence], biological_association: [:source, :collecting_event, :otu, :collection_object, :taxon_name, :asserted_distribution], # :field_occurrence biological_associations_graph: [:biological_association, :source], collecting_event: [:source, :collection_object, :biological_association, :otu, :image, :taxon_name, :dwc_occurrence], collection_object: [:source, :loan, :otu, :taxon_name, :collecting_event, :biological_association, :extract, :image, :observation, :dwc_occurrence], content: [:source, :otu, :taxon_name, :image], controlled_vocabulary_term: [:data_attribute], data_attribute: [:collection_object, :collecting_event, :taxon_name, :otu], dwc_occurrence: [:asserted_distribution, :collection_object, :collecting_event], descriptor: [:source, :observation, :otu], extract: [:source, :otu, :collection_object, :observation], field_occurrence: [], # [:source, :otu, :collecting_event, :biological_association, :observation, :taxon_name, :extract], image: [:content, :collection_object, :collecting_event, :otu, :observation, :source, :taxon_name ], loan: [:collection_object, :otu], observation: [:collection_object, :descriptor, :image, :otu, :source, :taxon_name], otu: [:asserted_distribution, :biological_association, :collection_object, :collecting_event, :content, :descriptor, :extract, :image, :loan, :observation, :source, :taxon_name ], person: [], source: [:asserted_distribution, :biological_association, :collecting_event, :collection_object, :content, :descriptor, :extract, :image, :observation, :otu, :taxon_name], taxon_name: [:asserted_distribution, :biological_association, :collection_object, :collecting_event, :image, :otu, :source ] }.freeze
We could consider ‘.safe_constantize` to make this a f(n), but we’d have to have a list somewhere else anyways to further restrict allowed classes.
{ asserted_distribution_query: '::Queries::AssertedDistribution::Filter', biological_association_query: '::Queries::BiologicalAssociation::Filter', biological_associations_graph_query: '::Queries::BiologicalAssociationsGraph::Filter', collecting_event_query: '::Queries::CollectingEvent::Filter', collection_object_query: '::Queries::CollectionObject::Filter', content_query: '::Queries::Content::Filter', controlled_vocabulary_term_query: '::Queries::ControlledVocabularyTerm::Filter', data_attribute_query: '::Queries::DataAttribute::Filter', descriptor_query: '::Queries::Descriptor::Filter', document_query: '::Queries::Document::Filter', dwc_occurrence_query: '::Queries::DwcOccurrence::Filter', extract_query: '::Queries::Extract::Filter', field_occurrence_query: '::Queries::FieldOccurrence::Filter', image_query: '::Queries::Image::Filter', loan_query: '::Queries::Loan::Filter', observation_query: '::Queries::Observation::Filter', otu_query: '::Queries::Otu::Filter', person_query: '::Queries::Person::Filter', source_query: '::Queries::Source::Filter', taxon_name_query: '::Queries::TaxonName::Filter', }.freeze
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#api ⇒ Object
Boolean When true api_except_params is applied and other restrictions are placed: - :venn param is ignored.
- #asserted_distribution_query ⇒ Query::AssertedDistributionn::Filter?
- #biological_association_query ⇒ Query::BiologicalAssociation::Filter?
- #biological_associations_graph_query ⇒ Query::BiologicalAssociationsGraph::Filter?
- #collecting_event_query ⇒ Query::CollectingEvent::Filter?
- #collection_object_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
- #content_query ⇒ Query::Content::Filter?
- #controlled_vocabulary_term_query ⇒ Query::ControlledVocabularyTerm::Filter?
- #data_attribute_query ⇒ Query::DataAttribute::Filter?
- #descriptor_query ⇒ Query::Descriptor::Filter?
- #document_query ⇒ Query::Document::Filter?
- #dwc_occurrence_query ⇒ Query::DwcOccurrence::Filter?
- #extract_query ⇒ Query::Extract::Filter?
- #field_occurrence_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
- #image_query ⇒ Query::Image::Filter?
- #loan_query ⇒ Query::Loan::Filter?
#object_global_id ⇒ Array
Locally these look like gid://taxon-works/Otu/1 Using a global id is equivalent to using <model>_id.
- #observation_query ⇒ Query::Observation::Filter?
- #otu_query ⇒ Query::Otu::Filter?
#page ⇒ Object
Integer, nil required if paginate == true.
#paginate ⇒ Object
Apply pagination within Filter scope true - apply per and page false, nil - ignored.
#params ⇒ Object
!! Using setters directly on query parameters will not alter this variable !! !! This is used strictly during the permission process of ActionController::Parameters !!.
#per ⇒ Object
Integer, nil paginate must equal true page must be !nil?.
- #person_query ⇒ Query::Person::Filter?
- #project_id ⇒ Array
#recent ⇒ Object
Boolean Applies an order on updated.
#recent_target ⇒ Object
Symbol :created_at, :updated_at defaults to :updated_at if blank.
- #taxon_name_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
#venn ⇒ Object
String A JSON full URL containing the base string for a query.
#venn_mode ⇒ Object
Symbol one of :a, :ab, :b defaults to :ab :a :ab :b ( A ( B ) C ).
Attributes inherited from Queries::Query
Class Method Summary collapse
.annotator_params ⇒ Object
to be merged into included params.
.api_except_params ⇒ Object
Any params set here, and in corresponding subclasses will not be permitted when api: true is present.
- .api_excluded_params ⇒ Object
.base_filter(params) ⇒ Filter?
The class of filter that is referenced at the base of this parameter set.
- .base_query_name(params) ⇒ Object
- .included_annotator_facets ⇒ Object
.instatiated_base_filter(params) ⇒ Object
An instiatied filter, with params set, for params with patterns like ‘otu_query={}`.
.inverted_subqueries ⇒ Hash
Only referenced in specs.
.params ⇒ Object
Array merges ‘[:a, []]` into [:a].
- .query_name ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
#all(nil_empty = false) ⇒ ActiveRecord::Relation
See /lib/queries/ for additional explanation.
- #all_and_clauses ⇒ ActiveRecord::Relation?
#all_merge_clauses ⇒ Scope?
Of interest, the previous native ‘merge()` (and `and()“) make things complicated:.
#and_clauses ⇒ Object
Defined in inheriting classes.
- #annotator_and_clauses ⇒ Object
- #annotator_merge_clauses ⇒ Object
- #apply_venn(query) ⇒ Object
#attribute_exact_facet(attribute = nil) ⇒ Object
params attribute [Symbol] a facet for use when params include ‘author`, and `exact_author` pattern combinations See queries/source/filter.rb for example use See /spec/lib/queries/source/filter_spec.rb !! Whitespace (e.g. tabs, newlines) is ignored when exact is used !!!.
#deep_permit(params) ⇒ Object
#initialize(query_params) ⇒ Object
#merge_clauses ⇒ Object
Defined in inheriting classes.
#model_id_facet ⇒ Object
Returns id= facet, automatically added to all queries.
- #object_global_id_facet ⇒ Object
#permitted_params(hsh) ⇒ Object
This method is a preprocessor that discovers, by finding the nested subqueries, which params should be permitted.
- #process_url_into_params(url) ⇒ Object
- #project_id_facet ⇒ Object
- #query_name ⇒ Object
#set_nested_queries(params) ⇒ Object
TODO: when a nesting problem is found we need to flag the query as invalid.
- #shared_and_clauses ⇒ Object
#subquery_vector(hsh) ⇒ Array of Symbol
Since queries nest linearly we don’t need to recursion.
- #venn_query ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from Queries::Query
#alphabetic_strings, #alphanumeric_strings, base_name, #base_name, #base_query, #build_terms, #cached_facet, #end_wildcard, #levenshtein_distance, #match_ordered_wildcard_pieces_in_cached, #no_terms?, referenced_klass, #referenced_klass, #referenced_klass_except, #referenced_klass_intersection, #referenced_klass_union, #start_and_end_wildcard, #start_wildcard, #table, #wildcard_pieces
Constructor Details
#initialize(query_params) ⇒ Object
Returns Hash.
249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 249 def initialize(query_params) # Reference to query_params, i.e. always permitted @api = boolean_param(query_params, :api) @recent = boolean_param(query_params, :recent) @recent_target = query_params[:recent_target] @object_global_id = query_params[:object_global_id] @venn = query_params[:venn] @venn_mode = query_params[:venn_mode] # !! This is the *only* place Current.project_id should be seen !! It's still not the best # way to implement this, but we use it to optimize the scope of sub/nested-queries efficiently. # Ideally we'd have a global class param that stores this that all Filters would have access to, # rather than an instance variable. @project_id = query_params[:project_id] || Current.project_id @paginate = boolean_param(query_params, :paginate) @per = query_params[:per] @page = query_params[:page] # After this point, if you started with ActionController::Parameters, # then all values have been explicitly permitted. if query_params.kind_of?(Hash) @params = query_params elsif query_params.kind_of?(ActionController::Parameters) @params = deep_permit(query_params).to_hash.deep_symbolize_keys elsif query_params.nil? @params = {} else raise TaxonWorks::Error, "can not initialize filter with #{}" end set_identifier_params(params) set_nested_queries(params) set_user_dates(params) end |
Instance Attribute Details
#api ⇒ Object
Returns Boolean When true api_except_params is applied and other restrictions are placed:
- :venn param is ignored.
215 216 217 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 215 def api @api end |
#asserted_distribution_query ⇒ Query::AssertedDistributionn::Filter?
147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 147 def asserted_distribution_query @asserted_distribution_query end |
#biological_association_query ⇒ Query::BiologicalAssociation::Filter?
150 151 152 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 150 def biological_association_query @biological_association_query end |
#biological_associations_graph_query ⇒ Query::BiologicalAssociationsGraph::Filter?
153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 153 def biological_associations_graph_query @biological_associations_graph_query end |
#collecting_event_query ⇒ Query::CollectingEvent::Filter?
162 163 164 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 162 def collecting_event_query @collecting_event_query end |
#collection_object_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
159 160 161 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 159 def collection_object_query @collection_object_query end |
#content_query ⇒ Query::Content::Filter?
165 166 167 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 165 def content_query @content_query end |
#controlled_vocabulary_term_query ⇒ Query::ControlledVocabularyTerm::Filter?
156 157 158 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 156 def controlled_vocabulary_term_query @controlled_vocabulary_term_query end |
#data_attribute_query ⇒ Query::DataAttribute::Filter?
168 169 170 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 168 def data_attribute_query @data_attribute_query end |
#descriptor_query ⇒ Query::Descriptor::Filter?
171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 171 def descriptor_query @descriptor_query end |
#document_query ⇒ Query::Document::Filter?
174 175 176 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 174 def document_query @document_query end |
#dwc_occurrence_query ⇒ Query::DwcOccurrence::Filter?
177 178 179 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 177 def dwc_occurrence_query @dwc_occurrence_query end |
#extract_query ⇒ Query::Extract::Filter?
192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 192 def extract_query @extract_query end |
#field_occurrence_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
180 181 182 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 180 def field_occurrence_query @field_occurrence_query end |
#image_query ⇒ Query::Image::Filter?
183 184 185 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 183 def image_query @image_query end |
#loan_query ⇒ Query::Loan::Filter?
198 199 200 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 198 def loan_query @loan_query end |
#object_global_id ⇒ Array
Locally these look like gid://taxon-works/Otu/1 Using a global id is equivalent to using <model>_id. I.e. it simply restricts the filter to those matching Model#id.
!! If any global id model name does not match the current filter, then then facet is completely rejected.
142 143 144 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 142 def object_global_id @object_global_id end |
#observation_query ⇒ Query::Observation::Filter?
195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 195 def observation_query @observation_query end |
#otu_query ⇒ Query::Otu::Filter?
189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 189 def otu_query @otu_query end |
#page ⇒ Object
Returns Integer, nil required if paginate == true.
124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 124 def page @page end |
#paginate ⇒ Object
Apply pagination within Filter scope
true - apply per and page
false, nil - ignored
120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 120 def paginate @paginate end |
#params ⇒ Object (readonly)
!! Using setters directly on query parameters will not alter this variable !! !! This is used strictly during the permission process of ActionController::Parameters !!
246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 246 def params @params end |
#per ⇒ Object
Returns Integer, nil paginate must equal true page must be !nil?.
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 129 def per @per end |
#person_query ⇒ Query::Person::Filter?
201 202 203 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 201 def person_query @person_query end |
#project_id ⇒ Array
115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 115 def project_id @project_id end |
#recent ⇒ Object
Returns Boolean Applies an order on updated.
205 206 207 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 205 def recent @recent end |
#recent_target ⇒ Object
Returns symbol :created_at, :updated_at defaults to :updated_at if blank.
209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 209 def recent_target @recent_target end |
#taxon_name_query ⇒ Query::TaxonName::Filter?
186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 186 def taxon_name_query @taxon_name_query end |
#venn ⇒ Object
Returns String A JSON full URL containing the base string for a query.
219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 219 def venn @venn end |
#venn_mode ⇒ Object
Returns Symbol one of :a, :ab, :b defaults to :ab
:a :ab :b
( A ( B ) C ).
225 226 227 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 225 def venn_mode @venn_mode end |
Class Method Details
.annotator_params ⇒ Object
to be merged into included params
375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 375 def self.annotator_params h = nil if i = included_annotator_facets # Setup with the first a = i.shift h = a.params if !h.last.kind_of?(Hash) h << {} end c = h.last # Now do the rest i.each do |j| p = j.params if p.last.kind_of?(Hash) c.merge!(p.pop) end h = p + h end end h end |
.api_except_params ⇒ Object
Any params set here, and in corresponding subclasses will not be permitted when api: true is present
368 369 370 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 368 def self.api_except_params [:venn, :venn_mode] end |
.api_excluded_params ⇒ Object
402 403 404 405 406 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 402 def self.api_excluded_params [ # if there are things like created_by_id that we deem universally out they go here ] + api_except_params end |
.base_filter(params) ⇒ Filter?
Returns the class of filter that is referenced at the base of this parameter set.
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 306 def self.base_filter(params) if s = base_query_name(params) t = s.gsub('_query', '').to_sym if SUBQUERIES.include?(t) k = t.to_s.camelcase return "Queries::#{k}::Filter".constantize else return nil end else nil end end |
.base_query_name(params) ⇒ Object
330 331 332 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 330 def self.base_query_name(params){|s| s =~ /\A.+_query\z/}.first end |
.included_annotator_facets ⇒ Object
334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 334 def self.included_annotator_facets f = [ ::Queries::Concerns::Users ] if referenced_klass.annotates? f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Polymorphic if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Polymorphic else # TODO There is room for an AlternateValue concern here f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Attributes if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Attributes f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Citations if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Citations f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Containable if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Containable f.push ::Queries::Concerns::DataAttributes if self < ::Queries::Concerns::DataAttributes f.push ::Queries::Concerns::DateRanges if self < ::Queries::Concerns::DateRanges f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Depictions if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Depictions f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Identifiers if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Identifiers f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Notes if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Notes f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Protocols if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Protocols f.push ::Queries::Concerns::Tags if self < ::Queries::Concerns::Tags end f end |
.instatiated_base_filter(params) ⇒ Object
An instiatied filter, with params set, for params with patterns like ‘otu_query={}`
322 323 324 325 326 327 328 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 322 def self.instatiated_base_filter(params) if s = base_filter(params)[base_query_name(params)]) else nil end end |
.inverted_subqueries ⇒ Hash
Returns only referenced in specs.
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 73 def self.inverted_subqueries r = {} SUBQUERIES.each do |k,v| v.each do |m| if r[m] r[m].push k else r[m] = [k] end end end r end |
.params ⇒ Object
Returns Array merges ‘[:a, []]` into [:a].
360 361 362 363 364 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 360 def self.params a = self::PARAMS.dup b = a.pop.keys (a + b).uniq end |
.query_name ⇒ Object
63 64 65 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 63 def self.query_name base_name + '_query' end |
Instance Method Details
#all(nil_empty = false) ⇒ ActiveRecord::Relation
See /lib/queries/ for additional explanation.
684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 684 def all(nil_empty = false) # TODO: should turn off/on project_id here on nil empty? a = all_and_clauses b = all_merge_clauses return nil if nil_empty && a.nil? && b.nil? # !! Do not apply `.distinct here` q = nil if a && b q = b.where(a) elsif a q = referenced_klass.where(a) elsif b q = b else q = referenced_klass.all end if venn && !api q = apply_venn(q) end if recent q = referenced_klass.from(q.all, => :desc) end if paginate q = q.order(:id).page(page).per(per) end # TODO: canonically address whether or not to use `.distinct` at this point, we should be able to, however # some incoming queries may have joins/group/etc. alone?! I.e. why can't we? q end |
#all_and_clauses ⇒ ActiveRecord::Relation?
630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 630 def all_and_clauses clauses = and_clauses + annotator_and_clauses + shared_and_clauses clauses.compact! return nil if clauses.empty? a = clauses.shift clauses.each do |b| a = a.and(b) end a end |
#all_merge_clauses ⇒ Scope?
Of interest, the previous native ‘merge()` (and `and()“) make things complicated:
For example a.merge(b) != b.merge(a) in some cases. This is because certain clauses are tossed without warning (notably ‘.from()`). See:
We presently use SQL with INTERSECTION to combine facets.
658 659 660 661 662 663 664 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 658 def all_merge_clauses clauses = merge_clauses + annotator_merge_clauses clauses.compact! return nil if clauses.empty? referenced_klass_intersection(clauses) end |
#and_clauses ⇒ Object
Defined in inheriting classes
625 626 627 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 625 def and_clauses [] end |
#annotator_and_clauses ⇒ Object
602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 602 def annotator_and_clauses a = [] self.class.included_annotator_facets.each do |c| if c.respond_to?(:and_clauses) c.and_clauses.each do |f| if v = send(f) a.push v end end end end a end |
#annotator_merge_clauses ⇒ Object
583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 583 def annotator_merge_clauses a = [] # !! Interesting `.compact` removes #<ActiveRecord::Relation []>, # so patterns that us collect.flatten.compact return empty, # `.present?` fails as well, so verbose loops here self.class.included_annotator_facets.each do |c| if c.respond_to?(:merge_clauses) next if == 'Queries::Concerns::Identifiers' && no_identifier_clauses c.merge_clauses.each do |f| if v = send(f) a.push v end end end end a end |
#apply_venn(query) ⇒ Object
666 667 668 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 666 def apply_venn(query) Queries.venn(query, venn_query.all, venn_mode) end |
#attribute_exact_facet(attribute = nil) ⇒ Object
params attribute [Symbol]
a facet for use when params include `author`, and `exact_author` pattern combinations
See queries/source/filter.rb for example use
See /spec/lib/queries/source/filter_spec.rb
!! Whitespace (e.g. tabs, newlines) is ignored when exact is used !!!
564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 564 def attribute_exact_facet(attribute = nil) a = attribute.to_sym return nil if send(a).blank? if send("exact_#{a}".to_sym) # TODO: Think we need to handle ' and ' v = send(a) v.gsub!(/\s+/, ' ') v = ::Regexp.escape(v) v.gsub!(/\\\s+/, '\s*') # spaces are escaped, but we need to expand them in case we dont' get them caught v = '^\s*' + v + '\s*$' table[a].matches_regexp(v) else table[a].matches('%' + send(a).strip.gsub(/\s+/, '%') + '%') end end |
#deep_permit(params) ⇒ Object
Returns ActionController::Parameters.
504 505 506 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 504 def deep_permit(params) p = params.permit( permitted_params(params.to_unsafe_hash)) end |
#merge_clauses ⇒ Object
Defined in inheriting classes
643 644 645 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 643 def merge_clauses [] end |
#model_id_facet ⇒ Object
Returns id= facet, automatically added to all queries. Over-ridden in some base classes.
535 536 537 538 539 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 535 def model_id_facet m = (base_name + '_id').to_sym return nil if send(m).empty? table[:id].in(send(m)) end |
#object_global_id_facet ⇒ Object
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 546 def object_global_id_facet return nil if object_global_id.empty? ids = [] object_global_id.each do |i| g = GlobalID.parse(i) # If any global_ids do not reference this Class, abort return nil unless == ids.push g.model_id end table[:id].in(ids) end |
#permitted_params(hsh) ⇒ Object
This method is a preprocessor that discovers, by finding the nested subqueries, which params should be permitted. It is used to build a permitable profile of parameters.
That profile is then used in the actual .permit() call.
An alternate solution, first tried, is to permit the params directly during inspection for subqueries. This also would work, however there are some nice benefits to having a profile of the allowed params available as an Array, for example we can use it for API documentation a little easier(?!).
In essence what we needed was for ActionController::Parameters to be able to accumulate (remember) all permitted params (not just their actual data) over multiple .permit() calls. If we had that, then we could do something like params.permitted_params => Array after multiple calls like params.permit(:a), params.permit(:b).
any parameter set for the query.
429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 429 def permitted_params(hsh) h = self.class::PARAMS.deep_dup h.unshift(:per) h.unshift(:page) h.unshift(:paginate) if !h.last.kind_of?(Hash) h << {} end c = h.last # a {} if n = self.class.annotator_params c.merge!(n.pop) h = n + h end b = subquery_vector(hsh) parent = self.class while !b.empty? a = b.shift next unless SUBQUERIES[parent.base_name.to_sym].include?( a.to_s.gsub('_query', '').to_sym ) q = FILTER_QUERIES[a].safe_constantize p = q::PARAMS.deep_dup p.unshift(:per) p.unshift(:page) p.unshift(:paginate) if !p.last.kind_of?(Hash) p << {} end if n = q.annotator_params p.last.merge!(n.pop) p = n + p end c[a] = p c = p.last parent = q end if api self.class.api_excluded_params.each do |a| h.delete_if{|k,v| a == k} h.last.delete_if{|k,v| a == k } end end h end |
#process_url_into_params(url) ⇒ Object
237 238 239 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 237 def process_url_into_params(url) Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(url) end |
#project_id_facet ⇒ Object
541 542 543 544 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 541 def project_id_facet return nil if project_id.empty? table[:project_id].in(project_id) end |
#query_name ⇒ Object
67 68 69 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 67 def query_name self.class.query_name end |
#set_nested_queries(params) ⇒ Object
TODO: when a nesting problem is found we need to flag the query as invalid
512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 512 def set_nested_queries(params) if n ={|k, p| k.to_s =~ /_query/ } return nil if n.keys.count != 1 # !!! can't have multiple nested queries inside one level !!! This lets us eliminate infinite loops at the cost of expressiveness?! query_name = n.first.first return nil unless SUBQUERIES[base_name.to_sym].include?( query_name.to_s.gsub('_query', '').to_sym ) # must be registered query_params = n.first.last q = FILTER_QUERIES[query_name] # assign to @<model>_query v = send("#{query_name}=".to_sym, q) end true end |
#shared_and_clauses ⇒ Object
616 617 618 619 620 621 622 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 616 def shared_and_clauses [ project_id_facet, model_id_facet, object_global_id_facet, ] end |
#subquery_vector(hsh) ⇒ Array of Symbol
Since queries nest linearly we don’t need to recursion.
492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 492 def subquery_vector(hsh) result = [] while !{|k| k =~ /_query/}.empty? a ={|k| k =~ /_query/} result += a hsh = hsh[a.first] end end |
#venn_query ⇒ Object
670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 |
# File 'lib/queries/query/filter.rb', line 670 def venn_query u = ::Addressable::URI.parse(venn) p = ::Rack::Utils.parse_query(u.query) a = end |