Class: Topic
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveRecord::Base
- ApplicationRecord
- ControlledVocabularyTerm
- Topic
- Includes:
- Shared::Tags, Shared::Unify
- Defined in:
- app/models/topic.rb
A Topic is a user defined subject. It is used in conjuction with a citation on an OTU. Topics assert that “this source says something about this taxon on this topic.”
Constant Summary
Constants included from Shared::Unify
Constants inherited from ControlledVocabularyTerm
Constants included from SoftValidation
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from ControlledVocabularyTerm
#definition, #name, #project_id, #type, #uri, #uri_relation
Class Method Summary collapse
.find_for_autocomplete(params) ⇒ Object
TODO: Deprecate for CVT + params (if not already done).
.select_optimized(user_id, project_id, klass, target = 'Citation') ⇒ Hash
if ‘Content` then not used.
.used_recently(user_id, project_id, klass, used_on = 'Citation') ⇒ Scope
The max 10 most recently used topics, as used on Content or Citation.
Methods included from Shared::Unify
#deduplicate_update_target, #except_relations, #inferred_relations, #log_unify_result, #merge_relations, #only_relations, #pre_validate, #relation_label, #stub_unify_result, #unify, #unify_relations, #unify_relations_metadata, #used_inferred_relations
Methods included from Shared::Tags
#reject_tags, #tag_with, #tagged?, #tagged_with?
Methods inherited from ControlledVocabularyTerm
clone_from_project, #form_of_uri, #uri_relation_is_a_skos_relation
Methods included from SoftValidation
#clear_soft_validations, #fix_for, #fix_soft_validations, #soft_fixed?, #soft_valid?, #soft_validate, #soft_validated?, #soft_validations, #soft_validators
Methods included from Shared::IsData
#errors_excepting, #full_error_messages_excepting, #identical, #is_community?, #is_destroyable?, #is_editable?, #is_in_use?, #is_in_users_projects?, #metamorphosize, #similar
Methods included from Shared::HasPapertrail
#attribute_updated, #attribute_updater, #detect_version
Methods included from Shared::AlternateValues
#all_values_for, #alternate_valued?
Methods included from Housekeeping
Methods inherited from ApplicationRecord
Class Method Details
.find_for_autocomplete(params) ⇒ Object
TODO: Deprecate for CVT + params (if not already done)
27 28 29 30 31 32 |
# File 'app/models/topic.rb', line 27 def self.find_for_autocomplete(params) term = params[:term] ControlledVocabularyTerm .where('name ILIKE ? OR name = ? OR definition ILIKE ?', "%#{term}%", term, "%#{term}%") .where(project_id: params[:project_id], type: 'Topic') end |
.select_optimized(user_id, project_id, klass, target = 'Citation') ⇒ Hash
if ‘Content` then not used
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'app/models/topic.rb', line 76 def self.select_optimized(user_id, project_id, klass, target = 'Citation') r = used_recently(user_id, project_id, klass, target) h = { quick: [], pinboard: Topic.pinned_by(user_id).where(project_id:).to_a, recent: [] } if r.empty? h[:quick] = Topic.pinned_by(user_id).pinboard_inserted.where(project_id:).to_a else h[:recent] = Topic.where('"controlled_vocabulary_terms"."id" IN (?)', r.first(10) ).order(:name).to_a h[:quick] = ( Topic.pinned_by(user_id).pinboard_inserted.where(project_id:).to_a + Topic.where('"controlled_vocabulary_terms"."id" IN (?)', r.first(5) ).order(:name).to_a + Topic.where(project_id:, created_by_id: user_id, updated_at: ( end h end |
.used_recently(user_id, project_id, klass, used_on = 'Citation') ⇒ Scope
Returns the max 10 most recently used topics, as used on Content or Citation.
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 |
# File 'app/models/topic.rb', line 37 def self.used_recently(user_id, project_id, klass, used_on = 'Citation') return true, project_id: project_id).all.pluck(:id) if used_on.nil? t = case used_on when 'Citation' CitationTopic.arel_table when 'Content' ::Content.arel_table end p = Topic.arel_table # i is a select manager i = t.project(t['topic_id'], t['updated_at']).from(t) .where(t['updated_at'].gt(10.weeks.ago)) .where(t['updated_by_id'].eq(user_id)) .where(t['project_id'].eq(project_id)) .order(t['updated_at'].desc) # z is a table alias z ='recent_t') if klass.blank? Topic.joins(,['topic_id'].eq(p['id']))) ).pluck(:id).uniq else Topic.used_on_klass(klass).joins(,['topic_id'].eq(p['id']))) ).pluck(:id).uniq end end |