Module: Utilities::Geo
- Defined in:
- lib/utilities/geo.rb
Special general routines for Geo-specific itams
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: CoordinatesFromLabel
Constant Summary collapse
!! A series of values that are used to unify geographic name strings *for display* (e.g. generating print). These ultimately all belong somewhere else, and are arbitrary decisions made by TaxonWorks collaborators.
{ 'United States of America' => 'United States', }.freeze
To add a new (discovered) symbol:
1) To find the Unicode string for any character, use Utilities::Geo.uni_string('c') (remove the first '\'). 2) Add the Unicode string (i.e, "\uNNNN") to SPECIAL_LATLONG_SYMBOLS (below), selecting either degrees (starting with 'do*'), or tickmarks (starting at "'"). 3) Add the Unicode to the proper section in the regexp in the corresponding section (degrees, minutes, or seconds). NB: all the minutes symbols are duplicated in the seconds section because sometimes two successive tickmarks (for minutes) are used for seconds. degree symbols, in addition to 'd', 'o', and '*' \u00b0 "°" \u00ba "º" \u02da "˚" \u030a "?" \u221e "∞" \u222b "∫" tick symbols, in addition to "'" ("\u0027""), and '"' ("\u0022") \u00a5 "¥" \u00b4 "´" \u02B9 "ʹ" \u02BA "ʺ" \u02BB "ʻ" \u02BC "ʼ" \u02CA "ˊ" \u02EE "ˮ" \u2032 "′" \u2033 "″" \u2019 "’" \u201D "”" added June 2020 Significant figures/digits: any of the digits of a number beginning with the digit farthest to the left that is not zero and ending with the last digit farthest to the right that is either not zero or that is a zero but is considered to be exact
- LAT_LON_REGEXP =<lat>-?\d+\.?\d*),?\s*(?<long>-?\d+\.?\d*)/)
EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000 # km, 3959 miles (mean Earth radius) # Not used? RADIANS_PER_DEGREE = ::Math::PI/180.0 DEGREES_PER_RADIAN = 180.0/::Math::PI
meters/degree (calculated mean)
‘ = u0027, converted so that the regex can be used for SQL Added Unicode right single (u2019) and double (u201D) quote as minutes seconds
{ # tt1: /\D?(?<lat>\d+\.\d+\s*(?<ca>[NS])*)\s(?<long>\d+\.\d+\s*(?<co>[EW])*)/i, dd1a: { reg: /(?<lat>\d+\.\d+\s*[NS])\s*(?<long>\d+\.\d+\s*[EW])/i, hlp: 'decimal degrees, trailing ordinal, e.g. 23.23N 44.44W' }, dd1b: { reg: /(?<lat>[NS]\s*\d+\.\d+)\s*(?<long>[EW]\s*\d+\.\d+)/i, hlp: 'decimal degrees, leading ordinal, e.g. N23.23 W44.44' }, dd2: { reg: /(?<lat>\d+[\. ]\d+\u0027?\s*[NS]),?\s*(?<long>\d+[\. ]\d+\u0027?\s*[EW])/i, hlp: "decimal degrees, trailing ordinal, e.g. 43.836' N, 89.258' W" }, dm1: { reg: /(?<lat>\d+\s*[\*°o\u02DA ](\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]?\s*[NS])[\.,;]?\s*(?<long>\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ](\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]?\s*[WE])/i, hlp: "degrees, decimal minutes, trailing ordinal, e.g. 45 54.2'N, 78 43.5'E" }, dms2: { reg: /(?<lat>[NS]\.?\s*\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*\d+\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ "´\u02BA\u02EE\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u201D][´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA]?)[\.,;]?\s*(?<long>[WE]\.?\s*\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*\d+\s*[ \u0027´\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ "´\u02BA\u02EE\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u201D]?[´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA]?)/i, hlp: "degrees, minutes, decimal seconds, leading ordinal, e.g. S42°5'18.1\" W88º11'43.3\"" }, dm3: { reg: /(?<lat>[NS]\.?\s*\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*([ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]))[\.,;]?\s*(?<long>[WE]\.?\s*\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]?)/i, hlp: "degrees, decimal minutes, leading ordinal, e.g. S42º5.18' W88°11.43'" }, dms4: { reg: /(?<lat>\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]?\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)["\u201D]?\s*[NS])\s*(?<long>\d+\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[ ´\u0027\u02B9\u02BC\u02CA\u2019]?\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)+["\u201D]?\s*[EW])/i, hlp: "degrees, minutes, decimal seconds, trailing ordinal, e.g. 24º7'2.0\"S65º24'13.1\"W" }, dd5: { reg: /(?<lat>[NS]\.?\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ])[\.,;]?\s*(?<long>([WE])\.?\s*(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]?)/i, hlp: 'decimal degrees, leading ordinal, e.g. S42.18° W88.34°' }, dd6: { reg: /(?<lat>(\d+[\.,]\d+|\d+)\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*[NS])[\.,;]?\s*(?<long>(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+)\s*[\*°ºo\u02DA ]\s*[WE])/i, hlp: 'decimal degrees, trailing ordinal, e.g. 42.18°S 88.43°W' }, dd7: { reg: /\[(?<lat>-?\d+[\.,]\d+|\-?d+),.*?(?<long>-?\d+[\.,]\d+|\-?d+)\]/i, hlp: 'decimal degrees, no ordinal, specific format, e.g. [12.263, -49.398]' } }.freeze
Class Method Summary collapse
.conform_significant(number, sig_digits) ⇒ String
conform number to significant digits as string.
.coordinates_regex_from_verbatim_label(text) ⇒ Hash
coordinates from the label parsed to elements.
.degrees_minutes_seconds_to_decimal_degrees(dms_in) ⇒ Float
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength 42∞5’18.1“S88∞11’43.3”W S42∞5’18.1“W88∞11’43.3” S42∞5.18’W88∞11.43’ 42∞5.18’S88∞11.43’W S42.18∞W88.34∞ 42.18∞S88.43∞W -12.263, 49.398.
.distance_in_meters(dist_in) ⇒ String
12345 (presume meters) 123.45 123 ft > 123 ft.
.error_box_for_point(geo_object, error_radius) ⇒ RGeo::Polygon
confirm that this says that the error radius is one degree or smaller.
.hunt_lat_long(label, how = ' ') ⇒ Hash
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/BlockNesting.
.hunt_lat_long_full(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) ⇒ Array
Of possible coordinate strings.
- .hunt_wrapper(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) ⇒ Array
- .is_lat_long_special(c) ⇒ Boolean
.nearby_from_params(params) ⇒ Integer
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength.
.significant_digits(number_string) ⇒ Array
determine number of significant digits in string input argument.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#diamond_error_box ⇒ RGeo::Polygon
make a diamond 2 * radius tall and 2 * radius wide, with the reference point as center NOT TESTED/USED.
#gps_data ⇒ Nil
TODO: move to /lib.
- #uni_string(char) ⇒ String
Class Method Details
.conform_significant(number, sig_digits) ⇒ String
conform number to significant digits as string
569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 569 def self.conform_significant(number, sig_digits) input = significant_digits(number.to_s) input_string = input[0] intg = input[2] decimal_point = input[3] decimal_position = input_string.index('.') decimal_point_zeros = input[4] # decimal_point_zeros length > 0 implies mantissa only case mantissa = input[5] # mantissa complete iff no decimal_point_zeros digit_string = intg + decimal_point_zeros + mantissa reduction = input[1] - sig_digits result = digit_string # failsafe result if reduction > 0 # need to reduce significant digits result = '' for index in (0...sig_digits) # collect ONLY significant digits digit = digit_string[index] # if number is "0", digit is nil result += digit next end if digit_string.length > sig_digits # clean up integer least significant digits if sig_digits > 0 # test degenerate case of 0 input if digit_string[index + 1].to_i >= 5 result = (result.to_i + 1).to_s # round if necessary end end for ndex in (0...(intg.length - sig_digits)) result += '0' next end end else # no reduction or add digits for ndex in (0...(sig_digits - digit_string.length)) result += '0' next end end unless decimal_position.nil? # this devolves to if decimal_position = 0, prepend "0." OR # if decimal_position == end of string, don't add decimal_point # otherwise add decimal_point at decimal_position if result.length <= sig_digits if decimal_position == 0 result.insert(decimal_position, '0' + decimal_point) # make a valid Ruby number else if decimal_position < sig_digits result.insert(decimal_position, decimal_point) end end end end result end |
.coordinates_regex_from_verbatim_label(text) ⇒ Hash
coordinates from the label parsed to elements
625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 625 def self.coordinates_regex_from_verbatim_label(text) return nil if text.blank? text = text.gsub("''", '"') .gsub('´´', '"') .gsub('ʹʹ', '"') .gsub('ʼʼ', '"') .gsub('ˊˊ', '"') .squish text = ' ' + text + ' ' coordinates = {} # pattern: 42°5'18.1"S88°11'43.3"W if matchdata1 = text.match(/\D(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?(\d+) ?[ '´ʹ΄′ʼ’ˊ‘] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ "ʺ″”ˮ'´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]['´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]? ?([nN]|[sS])[\.,–;]? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒ∘º◦od˚ ] ?(\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]\ ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ "ʺ″”ˮ'´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]['´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]? ?([wW]|[eE])\W/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata1[1] coordinates[:lat_min] = matchdata1[2] coordinates[:lat_sec] = matchdata1[3] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata1[4] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata1[5] coordinates[:long_min] = matchdata1[6] coordinates[:long_sec] = matchdata1[7] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata1[8] # pattern: S42°5'18.1"W88°11'43.3" elsif matchdata2 = text.match(/\W([nN]|[sS])\.? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒ∘º◦od˚ ] ?(\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ "ʺ″”ˮ'´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]['´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]?[\.,–;]? ?([wW]|[eE])\.? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰∘ᵒº◦od˚ ] ?(\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ "ʺ″”ˮ'´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]?['´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]?\D/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata2[2] coordinates[:lat_min] = matchdata2[3] coordinates[:lat_sec] = matchdata2[4] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata2[1] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata2[6] coordinates[:long_min] = matchdata2[7] coordinates[:long_sec] = matchdata2[8] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata2[5] # pattern: S42°5.18'W88°11.43' elsif matchdata3 = text.match(/\W([nN]|[sS])\.? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘][\.,;]? ?([wW]|[eE])\.? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]?\D/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata3[2] coordinates[:lat_min] = matchdata3[3] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata3[1] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata3[5] coordinates[:long_min] = matchdata3[6] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata3[4] # pattern: 42°5.18'S88°11.43'W elsif matchdata4 = text.match(/\D(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]? ?([nN]|[sS])[\.,;]? ?(\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[ '´ʹ′΄ʼ’ˊ‘]? ?([wW]|[eE])\W/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata4[1] coordinates[:lat_min] = matchdata4[2] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata4[3] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata4[4] coordinates[:long_min] = matchdata4[5] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata4[6] # pattern: 42.18°S88.43°W elsif matchdata6 = text.match(/\D(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒ∘º◦od˚ ] ?([nN]|[sS])[\.,;]? ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ] ?([wW]|[eE])\W/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata6[1] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata6[2] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata6[3] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata6[4] # pattern: S42.18°W88.34° elsif matchdata5 = text.match(/\W([nN]|[sS])\.? ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ][\.,;]? ?([wW]|[eE])\.? ?(\d+[\.|,]\d+|\d+) ?[\*°º⁰ᵒº∘◦od˚ ]?\D/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata5[2] coordinates[:lat_ns] = matchdata5[1] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata5[4] coordinates[:long_we] = matchdata5[3] # pattern: -12.263, 49.398 elsif matchdata7 = text.match(/\D(-?\d+[\.|,]\d+|\-?\d+),.*?(-?\d+[\.|,]\d+|\-?\d+)\D/) coordinates[:lat_deg] = matchdata7[1] coordinates[:long_deg] = matchdata7[2] end coordinates[:lat_deg] = coordinates[:lat_deg].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:lat_deg] coordinates[:lat_min] = coordinates[:lat_min].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:lat_min] coordinates[:lat_sec] = coordinates[:lat_sec].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:lat_sec] coordinates[:lat_ns] = coordinates[:lat_ns].capitalize if coordinates[:lat_ns] coordinates[:long_deg] = coordinates[:long_deg].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:long_deg] coordinates[:long_min] = coordinates[:long_min].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:long_min] coordinates[:long_sec] = coordinates[:long_sec].gsub(',', '.') if coordinates[:long_sec] coordinates[:lat_we] = coordinates[:lat_we].capitalize if coordinates[:lat_we] return {} if !coordinates[:lat_deg] || !coordinates[:long_deg] return {} if coordinates[:lat_deg].to_f > 90 || coordinates[:lat_deg].to_f < -90 return {} if coordinates[:lat_min].to_f >= 60 return {} if coordinates[:lat_sec].to_f >= 60 return {} if coordinates[:long_deg].to_f > 180 || coordinates[:long_deg].to_f < -180 return {} if coordinates[:long_min].to_f >= 60 return {} if coordinates[:long_sec].to_f >= 60 if coordinates[:lat_ns].nil? lat_string = coordinates[:lat_deg] if coordinates[:lat_deg].to_f < 0 # -5° S; 5° N coordinates[:lat_ns] = 'S' coordinates[:lat_deg] = coordinates[:lat_deg].gsub('-', '') else coordinates[:lat_ns] = 'N' # -5° W; 5° E end else lat_string = coordinates[:lat_deg] + '°' lat_string += coordinates[:lat_min] + "'" if coordinates[:lat_min] lat_string += coordinates[:lat_sec] + '"' if coordinates[:lat_sec] lat_string += coordinates[:lat_ns] end if coordinates[:long_we].nil? long_string = coordinates[:long_deg] if coordinates[:long_deg].to_f < 0 coordinates[:long_we] = 'W' coordinates[:long_deg] = coordinates[:long_deg].gsub('-', '') else coordinates[:long_we] = 'E' end else long_string = coordinates[:long_deg] + '°' long_string += coordinates[:long_min] + "'" if coordinates[:long_min] long_string += coordinates[:long_sec] + '"' if coordinates[:long_sec] long_string += coordinates[:long_we] end lat_dec = (coordinates[:lat_deg].to_f + (coordinates[:lat_min].to_f / 60) + (coordinates[:lat_sec].to_f / 3600)).round(6).to_s lat_dec = '-' + lat_dec if coordinates[:lat_ns] == 'S' long_dec = (coordinates[:long_deg].to_f + (coordinates[:long_min].to_f / 60) + (coordinates[:long_sec].to_f / 3600)).round(6).to_s long_dec = '-' + long_dec if coordinates[:long_we] == 'W' c = { verbatim: {verbatim_latitude: lat_string, verbatim_longitude: long_string}, decimal: {decimal_latitude: lat_dec, decimal_longitude: long_dec}, parsed: coordinates } return c end |
.degrees_minutes_seconds_to_decimal_degrees(dms_in) ⇒ Float
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength 42∞5’18.1“S88∞11’43.3”W S42∞5’18.1“W88∞11’43.3” S42∞5.18’W88∞11.43’ 42∞5.18’S88∞11.43’W S42.18∞W88.34∞42.18∞S88.43∞W -12.263, 49.398
42:5:18.1N 88:11:43.3W
no limit test, unless there is a ordinal letter included
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 332 def self.degrees_minutes_seconds_to_decimal_degrees(dms_in) # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity !! But this is too complex :) match_string = nil # no_point = false degrees = 0.0 minutes = 0.0 seconds = 0.0 # make SURE it is a string! Watch out for dms_in == -10 dms_in = dms_in.to_s dms = dms_in.dup.upcase dms = dms.gsub('DEG', 'º').gsub('DG', 'º') dms =~ /[NSEW]/i ordinal = $LAST_MATCH_INFO.to_s # return "#{dms}: Too many letters (#{ordinal})" if ordinal.length > 1 # return nil if ordinal.length > 1 dms = dms.gsub!(ordinal, '').strip.downcase if dms.include? '.' no_point = false if dms.include? ':' # might be '42:5.1' /(?<degrees>-*\d+):(?<minutes>\d+\.*\d*)(:(?<seconds>\d+\.*\d*))*/ =~ dms match_string = $& # rubocop:disable Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches else # this will get over-ridden if the next regex matches /(?<degrees>-*\d+\.\d+)/ =~ dms match_string = $& # rubocop:disable Style/IdenticalConditionalBranches end else no_point = true end # >40°26′46″< >40°26′46″< dms.each_char {|c| next unless SPECIAL_LATLONG_SYMBOLS.include?(c) /^(?<degrees>-*\d{0,3}(\.\d+)*) # + or - three-digit number with optional '.' and additional decimal digits [do*\u00b0\u00ba\u02DA\u030a\u221e\u222b\uc2ba]*\s* # optional special degrees symbol, optional space (?<minutes>\d+\.*\d*)* # optional number, integer or floating-point ['\u00a5\u00b4\u02b9\u02bb\u02bc\u02ca\u2032\uc2ba\u2019]*\s* # optional special minutes symbol, optional space ((?<seconds>\d+\.*\d*) # optional number, integer or floating-point ['\u00a5\u00b4\u02b9\u02ba\u02bb\u02bc\u02ca\u02ee\u2032\u2033\uc2ba"\u201D]+)* # optional special seconds symbol, optional space /x =~ dms # '/(regexp)/x' modifier permits inline comments for regexp match_string = $& break # bail on the first character match } degrees = dms.to_f if match_string.nil? && no_point # @match_string = $& degrees = degrees.to_f case ordinal when 'W', 'S' sign = -1.0 else sign = 1.0 end if degrees < 0 sign *= -1 degrees *= -1.0 end frac = ((minutes.to_f * 60.0) + seconds.to_f) / 3600.0 dd = (degrees + frac) * sign case ordinal when 'N', 'S' limit = 90.0 else limit = 180.0 end # return "#{dms}: Out of range (#{dd})" if dd.abs > limit return nil if dd.abs > limit || dd == 0.0 dd.round(6).to_s end |
.distance_in_meters(dist_in) ⇒ String
12345 (presume meters) 123.45 123 ft > 123 ft. > 123 feet > 1 foot > 123 f > 123 f. 123 m > 123 meters > 123 m. 123 km > 123 km. > 123 kilometers 123 mi > 123 milee > 123 miles
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 117 def self.distance_in_meters(dist_in) dist_in = '0.0 meters' if dist_in.blank? elevation = dist_in.strip.downcase pieces = elevation.split(' ') # value = elevation.to_f if pieces.count > 1 # two pieces, second is distance unit piece = 1 else # one piece, may contain distance unit. piece = 0 end value = pieces[0] scale = 1 # default is meters /(?<ft>f[oe]*[t]*\.*)|(?<m>[^k]m(eters)*[\.]*)|(?<km>kilometer(s)*|k[m]*[\.]*)|(?<mi>mi(le(s)*)*)/ =~ pieces[piece] # scale = $& scale = 1 if m.present? # previously 1.0 scale = 0.3048 if ft.present? scale = 1000 if km.present? # previously 1000.0 scale = 1_609.344 if mi.present? value_sig = significant_digits(value.to_s) if value_sig[0].include?('.') s_value = value_sig[0].to_f else s_value = value_sig[0].to_i end s_sig = value_sig[1] distance = s_value * scale distance = conform_significant(distance.to_s, s_sig) ####### previously .to_f distance end |
.error_box_for_point(geo_object, error_radius) ⇒ RGeo::Polygon
confirm that this says that the error radius is one degree or smaller
461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 461 def self.error_box_for_point(geo_object, error_radius) # this limits the actual error_box to 10k FOR THIS TEST ONLY! error_radius = 10_000 if error_radius > 10_000 # ensure radius is not too close to zero to avoid creating invalid box error_radius = [error_radius, 2.0**-16].max p0 = geo_object delta_x = (error_radius / ONE_WEST) / Math.cos(p0.y * Math::PI / 180) delta_y = error_radius / ONE_NORTH Gis::FACTORY.polygon( Gis::FACTORY.line_string( [ Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x - delta_x, p0.y + delta_y), # northwest Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x + delta_x, p0.y + delta_y), # northeast Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x + delta_x, p0.y - delta_y), # southeast Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x - delta_x, p0.y - delta_y) # southwest ] ) ) end |
.hunt_lat_long(label, how = ' ') ⇒ Hash
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/BlockNesting
253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 253 def self.hunt_lat_long(label, how = ' ') if how.nil? pieces = [label] else pieces = label.split(how) end lat_long = {} pieces.each do |piece| # group of possible regex configurations # m = /(?<lat>\d+\.\d+\s*(?<ca>[NS])*)\s(?<long>\d+\.\d+\s*(?<co>[EW])*)/i =~ piece m = REGEXP_COORD[:dd1a][:reg].match(piece) if m.nil? piece.each_char do |c| next unless SPECIAL_LATLONG_SYMBOLS.include?(c) test = Utilities::Geo.degrees_minutes_seconds_to_decimal_degrees(piece) unless test.nil? if test.to_f.is_a? Numeric # might be a lat/long lat_long[:piece] = piece if lat_long[:lat].nil? lat_long[:lat] = piece else lat_long[:long] = piece lat_long[:piece] = [lat_long[:lat], piece].join(how) end end end break end else lat_long[:piece] = m[0] lat_long[:lat] = m[:lat] lat_long[:long] = m[:long] end end lat_long end |
.hunt_lat_long_full(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) ⇒ Array
Returns of possible coordinate strings.
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 232 def self.hunt_lat_long_full(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) trials = {} filters.each_with_index {|kee, _dex| kee_string = kee.to_s.upcase trials[kee_string] = {} named = REGEXP_COORD[kee][:reg].match(label) unless named.nil? trials[kee_string][:piece] = named[0] trials[kee_string][:lat] = named[:lat] trials[kee_string][:long] = named[:long] named end trials[kee_string][:method] = "text, #{kee_string}" } trials end |
.hunt_wrapper(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) ⇒ Array
295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 295 def self.hunt_wrapper(label, filters = REGEXP_COORD.keys) trials = self.hunt_lat_long_full(label, filters) ';, '.each_char {|sep| trial = self.hunt_lat_long(label, sep) found = "#{trial[:piece]}" unless trial[:lat].nil? and !trial[:long].nil? _found = "(#{sep})" if found.blank? end trials["(#{sep})"] = trial.merge!(method: "(#{sep})") } trials end |
.is_lat_long_special(c) ⇒ Boolean
312 313 314 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 312 def self.is_lat_long_special(c) SPECIAL_LATLONG_SYMBOLS.include?(c) end |
.nearby_from_params(params) ⇒ Integer
rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 415 def self.nearby_from_params(params) nearby_distance = params['nearby_distance'].to_i nearby_distance = CollectingEvent::NEARBY_DISTANCE if nearby_distance == 0 decade = case nearby_distance.to_s.length when 1..2 10 when 3 100 when 4 1_000 when 5 10_000 when 6 100_000 when 7 1_000_000 when 8 10_000_000 else 10 end digit = (nearby_distance.to_f / decade.to_f).round case digit when 0..1 digit = 1 when 2 digit = 2 when 3..5 digit = 5 when 6..10 decade *= 10 digit = 1 end params['digit1'] = digit.to_s params['digit2'] = decade.to_s digit * decade end |
.significant_digits(number_string) ⇒ Array
determine number of significant digits in string input argument
505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 505 def self.significant_digits(number_string) # is there a decimal point? intg = '' decimal_point_zeros = '' mantissa = '' decimal_lead_zeros = 0 decimal_point = '' /(?<num>([0-9]*)(\.?)([0-9]*))/ =~ number_string if num.nil? raise end dp = num.index('.') if dp.nil? intg = num intgl = intg.sub(/^[0]+/,'') # strip lead zeros if intgl.nil? intg = num end intgt = intg.sub(/0+$/, '') # strip trailing zeros if intgt.nil? intg = intgl end # sig = intg.length else # make sure truly numeric decimal_point = '.' digits = num.split('.') if digits.length > 2 raise # or just ignore extra decimal point and beyond? else if digits[0].length > 0 # left of decimal ? intg = digits[0].sub(/^[0]+/,'') if intg.nil? intg = digits[0] end else intg = '' end mantissa = digits[1] unless digits[1].nil? if intg.length > 0 # have full case sig = intg.length + mantissa.length else # mantissa might have "leading" zeros decimal_lead_zeros = digits[1].length mantissa = digits[1].sub(/^[0]+/, '') if mantissa.nil? mantissa = digits[1] end decimal_lead_zeros = decimal_lead_zeros - mantissa.length decimal_point_zeros = decimal_point_zeros.rjust(decimal_lead_zeros, '0') end else mantissa = '' end end end sig = intg + decimal_point + decimal_point_zeros + mantissa [sig, intg.length + mantissa.length, intg, decimal_point, decimal_point_zeros, mantissa] end |
Instance Method Details
#diamond_error_box ⇒ RGeo::Polygon
make a diamond 2 * radius tall and 2 * radius wide, with the reference point as center NOT TESTED/USED
486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 486 def diamond_error_box p0 = geo_object delta_x = (error_radius / ONE_WEST) / Math.cos(p0.y * Math::PI / 180) delta_y = error_radius / ONE_NORTH retval = Gis::FACTORY.polygon(Gis::FACTORY.line_string( [Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x, p0.y + delta_y), # north Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x + delta_x, p0.y), # east Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x, p0.y - delta_y), # south Gis::FACTORY.point(p0.x - delta_x, p0.y) # west ])) box = box.add(retval) box.to_geometry end |
#gps_data ⇒ Nil
TODO: move to /lib
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 18 def gps_data # if there is EXIF data, pulls out geographic coordinates & returns hash of lat/long in decimal degrees # (5 digits after decimal point if available) # EXIF gps information is in section 4.6.6 # note that cameras follow specifications, but EXIF data can be edited manually and may not follow specifications. # check if gps data is in d m s (could be edited manually) # => format dd/1,mm/1,ss/1 or dd/1,mmmm/100,0/1 or 40/1, 5/1, 314437/10000 # N = + # S = - # E = + # W = - # Altitude should be based on reference of sea level # GPSAltitudeRef is 0 for above sea level, and 1 for below sea level # From discussion with Jim - # create a utility library called "GeoConvert" and define single method # that will convert from degrees min sec to decimal degree # - maybe 2 versions? - one returns string, other decimal? end |
#uni_string(char) ⇒ String
406 407 408 409 410 |
# File 'lib/utilities/geo.rb', line 406 def uni_string(char) format('\\u%04X', char.ord) # "\\#{sprintf('u%04X', char.ord)}" # '\\u%04X' % [char.ord] end |