Class: CachedMapItem
- Inherits:
- Object
- ActiveRecord::Base
- ApplicationRecord
- CachedMapItem
- Defined in:
- app/models/cached_map_item.rb
A CachedMapItem is a summary of data from Georeferences and AssertedDistributions for mapping/visualization purposes.
All data are ‘cached` sensu TaxonWorks, i.e. derived from underlying data elsewhere. The intent is not to preserve the origin of the data, but rather provide a tool to summarize in (at present) a simple visualization.
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: WebLevel1
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#geographic_item_id ⇒ GeographicItem#id
, the id of GeographicItem, required.
#is_absent ⇒ Boolean?
If True then the corresponding AssertedDistributions have is_absent true.
#level0_geographic_name ⇒ String?
The level 0 name.
#level1_geographic_name ⇒ String?
The level 1 name.
#level2_geographic_name ⇒ String?
The level 2 name.
#otu_id ⇒ Otu#id
, the id of OTU, required.
#reference_count ⇒ Integer
reference this OTU/shape combination.
#type ⇒ String
Rails STI.
#untranslated ⇒ Boolean?
If True then the the shape could not be mapped, by any translation method, to a shape allowable for this CachedMapItemType.
Class Method Summary collapse
.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) ⇒ Object
Create breadth-first CachedMapItems Only applicable to Georeferences.
- .cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) ⇒ Object
.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) ⇒ Object
Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there.
- .dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) ⇒ Object
- .stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) ⇒ Hash?
- .translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) ⇒ Object
.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) ⇒ Array
Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !!.
.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) ⇒ Array
Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin.
.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) ⇒ Object
Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use that if possible.
.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) ⇒ Array
Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape.
- .translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) ⇒ Array
.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) ⇒ Object
Methods included from Shared::IsData
#errors_excepting, #full_error_messages_excepting, #identical, #is_community?, #is_destroyable?, #is_editable?, #is_in_use?, #is_in_users_projects?, #metamorphosize, #similar
Methods included from Housekeeping::Timestamps
Methods included from Housekeeping::Projects
#annotates_community_object?, #is_community?, #set_project_id
Methods inherited from ApplicationRecord
Instance Attribute Details
#geographic_item_id ⇒ GeographicItem#id
Returns , the id of GeographicItem, required.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#is_absent ⇒ Boolean?
Returns if True then the corresponding AssertedDistributions have is_absent true.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#level0_geographic_name ⇒ String?
Returns the level 0 name.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#level1_geographic_name ⇒ String?
Returns the level 1 name.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#level2_geographic_name ⇒ String?
Returns the level 2 name. !! Not presently used. !!.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#otu_id ⇒ Otu#id
Returns , the id of OTU, required.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#reference_count ⇒ Integer
reference this OTU/shape combination. . . . .
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#type ⇒ String
Returns Rails STI.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
#untranslated ⇒ Boolean?
Returns if True then the the shape could not be mapped, by any translation method, to a shape allowable for this CachedMapItemType.
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 44 class CachedMapItem < ApplicationRecord include Housekeeping::Projects include Housekeeping::Timestamps include Shared::IsData belongs_to :otu, inverse_of: :cached_map_items belongs_to :geographic_item, inverse_of: :cached_map_items validates_uniqueness_of :otu_id, scope: [:type, :geographic_item_id] validates_presence_of :otu, :geographic_item, :type # @return Hash # {country:, state:, county: } # Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially # CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there. # def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end # @return Array def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end # Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use # that if possible def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end # @return [Array] # Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type # !! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !! def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end # Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape # # @param geographic_item_id [id] # the shape we are translating *from* # # @param data_origin # defines the shapes we are translating to # # #param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters # shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from # Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution # are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways) # # @return [Array] of GeographicItem ids # def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end # @return [Array] # @param origin_type # 'AssertedDistribution' or 'Georeference' # # @param data_origin Array, String # like `ne_states` or ['ne_states, 'ne_countries'] # # @param buffer [nil, Decimal] # shr,ink (or grow) the size of the target shape, in meters # Typical use, do not apply for Georeferences, apply -10km for AssertedDistributions # def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end # @return [Hash, nil] def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end # Create breadth-first CachedMapItems # Only applicable to Georeferences. # # @params batch_stubs [Hash] # { # map_type: , # geographic_item_id: [] # otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ], # georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ], # } # # def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end end |
Class Method Details
.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) ⇒ Object
Create breadth-first CachedMapItems
Only applicable to Georeferences.
map_type: ,
geographic_item_id: []
otu_id: [ [otu_id, :project_id], ... [] ],
georeference_id: [ [geoference_id, :project_id] ],
308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 308 def self.batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items(batch_stubs) map_type = batch_stubs[:map_type] j = batch_stubs[:geographic_item_id] k = batch_stubs[:otu_id] j.each do |geographic_item_id| k.each do |otu_id| otu_id = otu_id.first project_id = otu_id.second begin a = CachedMapItem.find_or_initialize_by( type: map_type, otu_id:, geographic_item_id:, project_id:, ) if a.persisted? a.increment!(:reference_count) else a.reference_count = 1! end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e logger.debug e rescue PG::UniqueViolation logger.debug 'pg unique violation' end end end # Register the Georeferences registrations = [] batch_stubs[:georeference_id].each do |georeference_id, project_id| registrations.push({ cached_map_register_object_type: 'Georeference', cached_map_register_object_id: georeference_id, project_id:, created_at: Time.current, updated_at: Time.current, }) end begin CachedMapRegister.insert_all(registrations) if registrations.present? rescue puts '!! Failed to register Georeferences in batch_create_georeference_cached_map_items.' end true end |
.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) ⇒ Object
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 73 def self.cached_map_geographic_items_by_otu(otu_scope = nil) return GeographicItem.none if otu_scope.nil? s = 'WITH otu_scope AS (' + otu_scope.all.to_sql + ') ' + ::GeographicItem .joins('JOIN cached_maps on cached_maps.geographic_item_id =') .joins( 'JOIN otu_scope as otu_scope1 on = cached_maps.otu_id').to_sql ::GeographicItem.from('(' + s + ') as geographic_items').distinct end |
.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) ⇒ Object
Check to see if a record is already present rather than-recalculate spatially
CONSIDER: Use Reddis store to cache these results and look them up from there.
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 60 def self.cached_map_name_hierarchy(geographic_item_id) h = CachedMapItem .select('level0_geographic_name country, level1_geographic_name state, level2_geographic_name county') .where('level0_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level1_geographic_name IS NOT NULL OR level2_geographic_name IS NOT NULL') .find_by(geographic_item_id:) # finds first &.attributes &.compact! return h.symbolize_keys if h.present? GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id).quick_geographic_name_hierarchy end |
.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) ⇒ Object
226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 226 def self.dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) v =, :cached_total_area).find(geographic_item_id).cached_total_area return 0 if v.nil? case Math.log10(v).to_i when 0..2 # 3786 0.0 when 3..6 # Perhaps no GeographicAreas hit here -100.0 when 7 # e.g. Monaco 122 -1000 when 8 -2000 # e.g. Calhoun Co. 27490 when 9 -4000 # 3786 Cooma-Monaro when 10..12 -12000.0 # e.g. Brazil 33794; Canada 37 !! Seems to be a sweet spot, remainder untested else #(max is 13) -20000.0 # Antarctic, 10 end end |
.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) ⇒ Hash?
248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 248 def self.stubs(source_object, cached_map_type) # return nil unless source_object.persisted? o = source_object h = { origin_object: o, cached_map_type:, otu_id: [], geographic_item_id: [], origin_geographic_item_id: nil } geographic_item_id = nil name_hierarchy = nil otu_id = nil base_class_name = case base_class_name when 'AssertedDistribution' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_area.default_geographic_item_id otu_id = [o.otu_id] when 'Georeference' geographic_item_id = o.geographic_item_id otu_id = o.otus.joins('LEFT JOIN taxon_determinations td on = td.otu_id').where(taxon_determinations: { position: 1 }).distinct.pluck(:id) end # Some AssertedDistribution don't have shapes if geographic_item_id h[:origin_geographic_item_id] = geographic_item_id h[:geographic_item_id] = translate_geographic_item_id( geographic_item_id, base_class_name, cached_map_type.safe_constantize::SOURCE_GAZETEERS ) if h[:geographic_item_id].blank? h[:geographic_item_id] = [geographic_item_id] h[:untranslated] = true end end h[:otu_id] = otu_id h end |
.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) ⇒ Object
133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 133 def self.translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) # GeographicItem is an alternate shape to a GeographicArea that *also* has a target gazeteer type if a = GeographicItem.find(geographic_item_id) .geographic_areas .joins(:geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas: { data_origin: }) .order(cached_total_area: :ASC) # smallest first .first &.id return [a] else [] end end |
.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) ⇒ Array
Return the geographic_item_id if it is already used in a CachedMapItem of the right type
!! Probably redundant with translate_by_data_origin !!
125 126 127 128 129 130 131 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 125 def self.translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) if ::CachedMapItem.where(geographic_item_id:, type: cached_map_type).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end |
.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) ⇒ Array
Return the geographic_item_id if it is already of the requested origin
111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 111 def self.translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) if ::GeographicAreasGeographicItem.where( geographic_item_id:, data_origin: ).any? return [geographic_item_id] else [] end end |
.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) ⇒ Object
Check CachedMapItemTranslation for previous translations and use
that if possible
99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 99 def self.translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) a = CachedMapItemTranslation.where( cached_map_type:, geographic_item_id: ).pluck(:translated_geographic_item_id) .uniq # Just in case we duplicate the index, hopefully not needed (a.presence || []) end |
.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) ⇒ Array
Given a set of target shapes, return those that intersect with the provided shape
#param buffer [nil, Decimal] in meters
shrink, (or grow) the shape we are translating from
Typical use is to shrink, so that differences in spatial resolution
are minimized (low res shapes intersect with high res in undesireable ways)
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 163 def self.translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, buffer) return [] if geographic_item_id.blank? # !! Assumes all GeographicArea shapes were loaded to multi_polygon # (pre-adapts us to a single geometry field type), however be # aware of this assumption # This is a fast first pass, pure intersection a = GeographicItem .joins(:geographic_areas_geographic_items) .where(geographic_areas_geographic_items: { data_origin: }) .where( "ST_Intersects( multi_polygon, ( select #{ GeographicItem::GEOGRAPHY_SQL } from geographic_items where = #{geographic_item_id}) )" ) .pluck(:id) return a if buffer.nil? # Refine the pass by smoothing using buffer/st_within return GeographicItem .where(id: a) .where( GeographicItem.st_buffer_st_within(geographic_item_id, 0.0, buffer) ) .pluck(:id) end |
.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) ⇒ Array
197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 197 def self.translate_geographic_item_id(geographic_item_id, origin_type = nil, data_origin = nil, buffer = nil) return nil if data_origin.blank? cached_map_type = types_by_data_origin(data_origin) a = nil b = buffer # All these methods depend on "prior knowledge" (not spatial calculations) if origin_type == 'AssertedDistribution' a = translate_by_geographic_item_translation(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_data_origin(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_alternate_shape(geographic_item_id, data_origin) return a if a.present? a = translate_by_cached_map_usage(geographic_item_id, cached_map_type) return a if a.present? b = dynamic_buffer(geographic_item_id) # -1000.0 # Monaco end translate_by_spatial_overlap(geographic_item_id, data_origin, b) end |
.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) ⇒ Object
Returns Array.
85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'app/models/cached_map_item.rb', line 85 def self.types_by_data_origin(data_origin = []) types = [] data_origin.each do |o| CachedMapItem.descendants.each do |d| types.push if d::SOURCE_GAZETEERS.include?(o) end end types.uniq! types end |